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News from Princeton, Oct-Dec 1995

Apr-Jun 1995 | Jul-Sep 1995 | Oct-Dec 1995 | Jan-Mar 1996

Princeton Implements New Tier Structure to Expand Opportunities in Athletics -- As part of a review intended to expand athletic opportunities at a time of constrained budgets and to strengthen gender equity, the Princeton University Department of Athletics will implement a new tier structure for its teams and establish or alter the status of three teams for next year. [12/22/95]

Three Princeton Seniors Receive Marshall Scholarships -- Three members of the senior class at Princeton University have been awarded the 1996 Marshall Scholarship, which funds two years of study at a British University. [12/14/95]

The History of Holiday Shopping: Professor finds American Consumer Culture is a Tie that Binds -- Has the checkout counter become America's holiday altar? The questions seems as much a part of the Christmas season nowadays as decorating the Christmas tree. [12/14/95]

$8 Million Gift to Princeton to Honor Aerospace Pioneer James S. McDonnell -- An $8 million gift to Princeton honoring aerospace pioneer James S. McDonnell of the Class of 1921 will be used to build a new state-of-the-art facility for the teaching of physics, the University announced today. [12/12/95]

Princeton University Student Named One of 32 U.S. Rhodes Scholars -- A Princeton University senior studying philosophy and poetry is one of 32 American students awarded a Rhodes Scholarship on Saturday, December 9. Kristen Fountain, 21, of Indianapolis, learned she received the Rhodes Scholarship after her final interview Saturday morning in Chicago. The Rhodes supports two years of postgraduate study at Oxford University in England. [12/11/95]

Professor Emeritus E.D.H. Johnson Dies; Authority on Victorian Life -- Professor Emeritus Edward Dudley Hume Johnson, a leading authority on life and manners in Victorian England, died in here on Saturday, December 9 of cancer. He was 84. [12/11/95]

6th Annual Raising Women's Voices Conference Focuses on Gender and Communication -- The sixth annual Raising Women's Voices conference will look at the way gender affects communication. The conference, entitled ``Say What?: Gender and Communication in the '90s,'' will take place on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8 and 9, in the Princeton University Art Museum. [11/28/95]

World AIDS Day 1995 at Princeton: ``Day Without Art'' comes outdoors; HIV policy updated -- Princeton University will observe World AIDS Day on December 1 as the capstone of a week-long effort to raise awareness about AIDS, educate the community about the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and promote the ongoing need for a global response to the disease. [11/21/95]

Hong Kong Entrepreneur Gordon Wu Pledges $100 Million to Princeton University to Strengthen Engineering -- Gordon Y.S. Wu, a Hong Kong entrepreneur and member of the Princeton University Class of 1958, has pledged a gift of $100 million to Princeton in connection with the University's upcoming celebration of its 250th anniversary. The gift will be used to strengthen engineering at Princeton... [11/9/95]

Mr. Gordon Y. S. Wu -- Managing director of Hopewell Holdings Ltd., one of the largest property development and infrastructure groups in Hong Kong, Gordon Wu Ying Sheung is also executive chair of Consolidated Electric Power Asia Ltd. (CEPA), Asia's largest independent power production company. Current Hopewell transport projects include several highways in the People's Republic of China and a mass transit project in Bangkok, Thailand; CEPA projects include the construction of... [11/9/95]

Engineering Dean Outlines Plans for Wu Gift -- "Gordon Wu's gift presents us with a splendid opportunity to transform engineering at Princeton,'' said James Wei, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. ``We will launch a number of initiatives to chart new paths in the liberal education of engineers and to prepare our students to prosper in a world of change and unforeseen opportunities. Mr. Wu has asked us to... [11/9/95]

Princeton to Launch $750 Million Anniversary Campaign -- Princeton University will launch tomorrow a $750 million fund-raising campaign in honor of the 250th anniversary of its founding in 1746. The five-year Anniversary Campaign for Princeton will seek to add to the University's resources in five major areas: unrestricted support; undergraduate education and campus life; graduate education; academic and research initiatives; and facilities for research and education. [11/9/95]

Princeton Researchers Find Factors That Sway Jurors in Product Liability Trials -- When complex scientific or technological testimony is presented in a courtroom, jurors are likely to be influenced by a variety of ``peripheral'' factors, according to research led by Professor of Psychology Joel Cooper and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). [11/2/95]

Bostis to Speak on ''Race, Political Strategy, and Representation'' -- David Bositis, senior research associate at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, D.C., will speak on ''Race, Political Strategy and Representation: Majority-Minority Districts in a Responsible Party Era'' at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internati [11/1/95]

Delegate General for Quebec to Address ''Current Issues'' -- Kevin Drummond, the delegate general of Quebec in New York, will speak on ''Current Issues in Quebec'' at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Tuesday, Nov. 21. [11/1/95]

Expert on Law and Health to Address Gender and Health Care Policy Issues --Karen Rothenberg, founding director of the Law and Health Care Program at the University of Maryland School of Law, will give a talk entitled ''Gender Matters: Implications for Health Research and Public Policy'' at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. [11/1/95]

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense to Speak on ''Humanitarian Intervention'' at Princeton University -- Patricia Irvin, deputy assistant secretary of defense for humanitarian and refugee affairs, will speak on ''Humanitarian Intervention'' at Princeton. [11/1/95]

Dark Matter, Black Holes, and Exploding Stars in Institute Astrophysicist's Lecture -- On Wednesday, November 1, 1995 Professor John N. Bahcall of the Institute for Advanced Study will present a lecture entitled "Recent Discoveries with the Hubble Space Telescope." The lecture, the first of the Institute's 1995-96 Faculty Lecture Series, is intended... [10/30/95]

Thomas R. Walker -- Thomas R. Walker, professor of music at Princeton University, died Oct. 22 at the Princeton Medical Center. The cause of death was cancer. He was 58 years old. Walker was an expert on 17th century Italian opera and the music of Carl Nielsen, a Danish composer of the early 20th century. Walker served as... [10/24/95]

Electronic Birth Records Show Promise of Information Technology -- The birth certificate, every American's first ''permanent record,'' is gradually joining the information age. That change, says Princeton University sociologist Paul Starr, represents a case study of how information technology can improve the workings of government. [10/20/95]

White House Press Secretary to Speak at Princeton -- White House Press Secretary Michael McCurry, a member of Princeton's Class of 1976, will give a talk entitled ''Spinning Inside the Cocoon: A White House Press Secretary Meets the White House Press'' ... [10/18/95]

President of Guyana to Speak at Princeton University -- Cheddi Jagan, president of Guyana, will speak on ''The United Nations at 50--In Quest of a New Global Human Order'' at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Tuesday, Oct. 24. [10/18/95]

''James Carville Looks at American Politics''at Princeton University -- Democratic political strategist James Carville will give a talk entitled ``James Carville Looks at American Politics'' at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Thursday, Nov. 9. [10/18/95]

1995 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine To Give Press Conference at Noon -- Eric F. Wieschaus, who today was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for ''discoveries concerning 'the genetic control of early embryonic development,''' will give a press conference on the Princeton University campus in Lewis Thomas Laboratory. [10/9/95]

The American Dream in Crisis: Views of the nation's central ideology vary by race, class -- The American dream--our belief that the United States offers unlimited opportunity to anyone willing to ``go for it'' -- is far more than an idea, according to Jennifer Hochschild, professor of politics and public affairs. She believes that the ideology of this dream is the... [10/6/95]
