News from
Communications and Publications, Stanhope Hall
Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Tel 609/258-3601; Fax 609/258-1301

Nov. 1, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen 609/258-5764

Expert on Law and Health
to Address Gender and
Health Care Policy Issues

Princeton, N.J.--Karen Rothenberg, founding director of the
Law and Health Care Program at the University of Maryland
School of Law, will give a talk entitled ``Gender Matters:
Implications for Health Research and Public Policy'' at
Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs on Monday, Nov. 27, at 4:30 p.m. in
Bowl 5, Robertson Hall.

Rothenberg, who earned a master's degree in public affairs
from the Woodrow Wilson School in 1974, is the Marjorie Cook
Professor of Law at the University of Maryland School of Law.
She is currently on leave from the University of Maryland to
serve as the special assistant to the director, Office of
Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health

Rothenberg formerly practiced law with the D.C. firm of
Covington and Burling, and has worked with a variety of
health and medical organizations, including serving as legal
counsel to the American College of Nurse-Midwives. She was
the 199394 president of the American Society of Law,
Medicine, and Ethics, and has served on a number of NIH
panels on prenatal care and the recruitment and retention of
women in clinical studies.

She has written numerous articles on AIDS, women's health,
genetic testing, the right to forego treatment, emergency
care, and surrogacy. She is co-editor of a forthcoming book
entitled ``Women and Prenatal Testing: Facing the Challenges
of Genetic Technology.''

Her talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.