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Release: Oct. 18, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

White House Press Secretary
to Speak at Princeton

Princeton, N.J.--White House Press Secretary Michael McCurry, a
member of Princeton's Class of 1976, will give a talk entitled
``Spinning Inside the Cocoon: A White House Press Secretary Meets
the White House Press'' on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 4:30 p.m. in Bowl
6, Robertson Hall.

McCurry, who succeeded DeeDee Meyers as the President's press
secretary in January 1995, had previously been the chief spokesman
for the State Department. In addition to a number of staff jobs
on Capitol Hill, McCurry was the director of communications for
the Democratic National Committee from 1988 through 1990.

McCurry is well-regarded by both the media and the
administration. His performance at the State Department was
described by _The Washington Post_ as ``articulate, well-informed,
but not deadly serious in a job that sometimes invites self-
importance.'' In his first statement after being appointed press
secretary, McCurry noted, ``[The White House] ... is one of the
most interesting places on the face of the Earth to work.... I
think working here every day ought to be a joyful experience and
not endless drudgery.''

McCurry has described his job as being in the ``middle of an
adversarial relationship'' between the White House press corps and
the President. ``You're sort of at the pivot,'' he said, ``to help
make [this] relationship a positive one.''

As an undergraduate at Princeton, McCurry majored in the
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

His talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School and
the University's Humanities Council.