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News from Princeton, Jan-Mar 1996

Jul-Sep 1995 | Oct-Dec 1995 | Jan-Mar 1996 | Apr-Jun 1996

"The Globalization of Business" to be Topic of Princeton Lecture
Frank Vogl, president of Vogl Communications, a strategic management and public relations company based in Washington, DC, will speak on "The Globalization of Business and Grand Corruption"

Director of UNIFEM Speaks on "Women and Globalization"
Noeleen Heyzer, director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), will discuss issues concerning women and globalization.

Hoffman Examines "The Ethics and Politics of Intervention"
Hoffmann, who is also the Douglas Dillon Professor of the Civilization of France at Harvard University, has taught there since 1955. He teaches French intellectual and political history, American foreign policy, the sociology of...

"U.S. Defense Strategy" to be Discussed at Princeton
Michelle Flournoy, acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy, will speak on "U.S. Defense Strategy in Theory and Practice"

Former Health, Education, and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano Addresses the Future of Health Care
Joseph Califano, former secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW, now known as Health and Human Services), will speak on "Radical Surgery: A Look at the Future of Health Care"

Deputy Assistant to President Clinton To Speak on "Regaining America's Trust"
Jeremy Ben-Ami '84, deputy assistant to President Clinton for domestic policy, will speak on "Regaining America's Trust: Government's Challenge for the 21st Century"

Gordon Wu Fellows in Engineering Named
Twenty-eight students will have the opportunity to begin their graduate engineering education at Princeton University in the fall as the first beneficiaries of Gordon Y. S. Wu's generosity to his alma mater.

Better Schooling Means Bigger Paychecks for Graduates, Princeton Economists Find in Review of School Funding Studies
The quality of a school, as measured by spending and teacher-pupil ratios, makes a big difference in its graduates, paychecks, Princeton economists David Card and Alan B. Krueger write in a new paper...

New Device May Transform Television-Computer Display Technology
A March 7 Nature article announces that a team of five scientists at Princeton and the University of Southern California (USC) has discovered how to make a transparent organic light emitting device (TOLED).

Princeton Anniversary Conference to Frame Discussion on Future of Higher Education
A national conference on higher education will be held at Princeton March 21 to 23 as part of the University's celebration of its 250th anniversary.

 ''The Telecommunications Act of 1996'' to be Discussed at Princeton
The telecommunications act, the most sweeping revision of U.S. communications legislation since the Communications Act of 1934, will enable local and long distance telephone, cable, and broadcast industries to...

Presidential Initiatives to Increase ``Innovation, Effectiveness and Excellence'' in Teaching
``Princeton's 250th anniversary provides an ideal opportunity to mobilize new energies and new resources on behalf of the characteristics of Princeton we value most and the areas in which we are most determined to provide leadership in the future.''

Princeton Alumni To Receive Annual Giving Awards
At Princeton University's Alumni Day ceremonies, two members of the class of 1970 -- John J. Loose and Charles E.P. Wood -- received one of the University's most prestigious volunteer honors...

Talk Addresses ``The Transformation of Molecular Biology''
Horace Freeland Judson, director of George Washington University's Center for History of Recent Science, will speak on ``The Transformation of Molecular Biology: 1970 to the Present Day''

NYC Public Advocate Mark Green to Speak at Princeton
Mark Green, the public advocate for the City of New York, will speak on ``Is Democracy Being Downsized? Why? And How Can We Reform Money and Politics?''

Feb. 23 Ceremony to Mark Official Start of Campus Celebration
Princeton University will officially begin its 250th anniversary celebration on Friday, Feb. 23, in a ceremony that will feature an address by President Emeritus Robert F. Goheen, Class of 1940.

``Environmental Management'' to be discussed in Princeton Lecture
Peter Winsemius, a former minister of the environment in the Netherlands and architect of the Dutch Green Plan, will speak on ``Toward Win-Win Partnerships in Environmental Management''

Canadian Consul General on ``What's Up in Canada?''
Before his appointment as consul general in New York in 1995, Haynal was the head of the Canadian government's foreign and trade policy staff and coordinated the management of international trade and foreign policy.

Senator Bill Bradley to Speak on ``America's Leadership''
In a recent interview, Senator Bradley said, ``There's a place for leaders. I make the distinction between celebrity and leader and hero. I think that what this society needs are leaders who will call it like they see it and...

Maurice Kelley
Maurice Kelley, aged 92, an expert on the poet John Milton and a Princeton University professor of English emeritus, died...

Beat Poet Allen Ginsberg to Hold Poetry Reading
Ginsberg has produced more than 30 books of poetry, prose, and photographs, as well as many essays and recordings. He is the co-founder of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, Colo., and is now a professor at Brooklyn College.

Donald Worner Griffin, ``Mr. Princeton,'' Dies
Griffin, a member of the Class of 1923, transferred to Princeton in 1920 after spending his freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania. That started an association with Princeton University that would continue for the rest of his life.

Donald Obordorfor Jr., Cornel R. West to Receive Top Alumni Honors
Journalist Donald Oberdorfer Jr., Class of 1952, and scholar and orator Cornel West, who received a Ph.D. from Princeton in 1980, will receive...

King of Buganda to Speak on ``Democratization in Africa''
His Majesty Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, the 36th king of Buganda (located in Uganda), will speak on ``Democratization in Africa and the Role of Traditional Leaders''

Babylonian Talmud Donated to Firestone Library
Herbert Freeman, a professor of computer engineering at Rutgers University, has donated a nearly complete set of the Babylonian Talmud to Princeton University's Firestone Library.

Paula-Rose Stark of Detroit Named Winner of Princeton's Sachs Scholarship
Paula-Rose Stark, a senior majoring in classics at Princeton, has been named winner of the University's Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Graduating Senior Fellowship.

Karin Trainer to Lead Princeton University Libraries
Karin Trainer, associate university librarian at Yale, will become university librarian at Princeton, effective July 1.

Joan Doig Appointed Vice President for Human Resources at Princeton
Joan N. Doig, who has served as general manager of the Office of Human Resources at Princeton since 1989, will become the University's vice president for human resources, effective immediately.

1996-97 Tuition and Fees Rise 4.6 Percent For Lowest Rate of Increase in Nearly 3 Decades
The trustees of Princeton University voted Saturday to accept recommendations for next year's operating budget which include a 4.6 percent increase in the cost of a Princeton undergraduate education, from...
