News from
Communications and Publications, Stanhope Hall
Princeton, New Jersey 08544
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Date: Feb. 7, 1996
Contact: Patricia Coen (609) 258-5764

``Environmental Management'' to be discussed in Princeton Lecture

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Peter Winsemius, a former minister of the environment in the Netherlands and architect of the Dutch Green Plan, will speak on ``Toward Win-Win Partnerships in Environmental Management'' at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Monday, February 12, at 4:30 p.m. in Bowl 1, Robertson Hall.

Winsemius, who is currently a partner at McKinsey & Company, where he has a special focus on the strategic and organizational implications of technological developments and environmental studies, is the author of numerous publications regarding environment policy, including Guests in Our Own Hoite (1986), which received wide acclaim in the environmental and business press. He is the co-author of Beyond Interdependence (1991), which discusses global issues surrounding sustainable development.

Winsemius has been described as ``a witness to, and a shaper of, some of the sharpest and clearest thinking in Europe,'' by Jane Kenny, chief of policy and planning of the State of New Jersey, ``[thinking] that is burying the notion that a vibrant economy is separable from a healthy environment.''

His talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School, the New Jersey Governor's Office, and New Jersey future.