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Date: March 15, 1996
Contact: Ann Haver-Allen 609/258-3617

Gordon Wu Fellows in Engineering Named

Princeton, N.J.--Twenty-eight students will have the opportunity to begin their graduate engineering education at Princeton University in the fall as the first beneficiaries of Gordon Y. S. Wu's generosity to his alma mater.

In November Wu pledged a gift of $100 million to Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science in connection with the celebration of the University's 250th anniversary. Of that total pledge, $40 million has been earmarked for graduate fellowships.

Of 1,000 applicants from around the world, 28 winners were selected to receive a Wu Fellowship. The Wu Fellowships are Princeton's most prestigious award for graduate study in engineering and are made to new graduate students who demonstrate the potential to be world leaders in their fields in the 21st century. Wu Fellows are awarded four years of full financial support, including full tuition and a premium stipend. In addition, the award provides funds that can be used by the student for research expenditures and for travel to international professional conferences.

"These fellowships give us the chance to attract the very best graduate students to Princeton," said James Wei, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton. "This also gives us the opportunity to look forward and think about how we can best structure an innovative graduate program in engineering that may be a new model for scholarship and graduate education in the 21st century."

Wu, who earned his bachelor's of science in engineering from Princeton in 1958, returned to Hong Kong where he became one of the most influential engineers and businessmen in the world. He has led the development and construction of highways, railroads, and power generation stations across Asia.

For his building projects, he developed the slip form method of construction for high-rise buildings, by which the concrete structure of such buildings can be erected at the rate of one floor every three days. He has designed and developed more than 100 buildings, including the 66-story Hopewell Centre (for 10 years the tallest building in Hong Kong), where the Hopewell group of companies is headquartered; the 1,200-room China Hotel in Guangzhou; and the 1,026-room Kowloon Panda Hotel in Hong Kong.

The 1996 Wu Fellowship winners represent the fields of chemical engineering, civil engineering and operations research, computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical and aerospace engineering. At Princeton, the Fellows may choose to study in one of those fields, or may consider an interdisciplinary program within one of the Centers that unites the School of Engineering and Applied Science with the rest of the University. These interdisciplinary centers include the Advanced Technology Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials, the Princeton Materials Institute, the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, and the Princeton Environmental Institute.

The 1996 Wu Fellowship winners and their undergraduate institutions are:
Marc Baldo, Sydeny University, Australia
Sooketoo Bhuta, California Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Chandrasekhar Boyapati, Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, India
Michael Buchanan, University of Houston, U.S.A.
Heidi Burch, Virginia Tech, U.S.A.
Bret Coldren, Stanford University, U.S.A.
Susannah Hobbs, Princeton University, U.S.A.
Christoforos Kozyrakis, University of Crete, Greece
Dmitriy Krylov, Columbia University, U.S.A.
Wai Fun Lee, Cambridge University, England
Zhen Luo, Beijing University, Peoples Republic of China
Rachel MacKay, University of Waterloo, Canada
Neelesh Mehta, Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, India
Carl Nuzman, University of Maryland, U.S.A.
Richard Radke, Rice University, U.S.A.
Suchitra Raman, Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, India
Lionid Natanovich Reyzin, Harvard, U.S.A.
Amit Sahai, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
Das Satyaki, Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, India
Heather Schafroth, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
John Schmitt, Washington University, U.S.A.
Jeremy Teichman, Yale University, U.S.A.
Anthony Thorlacius, University of Manotoba, Canada
Aikaterini Varsou, National Technical University, Greece
Leihai You, Tsinghua University, Peoples Republic of China
Wei Zhang, Harvard University, U.S.A.
Ying Zhao, Tsinghua University, Peoples Republic of China
Lixin Zhou, Tsinghua University, Peoples Republic of China