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Distributed March 27, 1996
Contact: Patricia Coen (609) 258-5764

Director of UNIFEM Speaks on "Women and Globalization"

Princeton, N.J.--Noeleen Heyzer, director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), will discuss issues concerning women and globalization at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on Monday, April 8, at 4:30 p.m. in Bowl 5, Robertson Hall.

UNIFEM, created in 1976 as the UN Voluntary Fund for the Decade of Women, assumed its current title and became an autonomous association within the UN Development Programme (undp) in 1985. The fund provides technical and financial support to women's initiatives in the developing world and seeks to bring women into mainstream development planning and decision making. The association is based in New York with regional offices in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Heyzer was named director of unifem in October 1994. A former head of the Gender and Development Program in the Asian and Pacific Development Centre (apdc) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, she is the author of 10 books, including A Commitment to the World's Women, as well as scores of articles and papers on development and women's issues. A native of Singapore, Heyzer is a founding member of Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (dawn), a network of women leaders. She holds degrees in sociology from the University of Singapore and Cambridge University.

Her talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.