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Release: Oct. 18, 1995
Contact: Patricia Coen (609/258-5764)

President of Guyana to Speak
at Princeton University

Princeton, N.J.--Cheddi Jagan, president of Guyana, will speak on
``The United Nations at 50--In Quest of a New Global Human Order''
at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Dodds
Auditorium, Robertson Hall.

Jagan, the son of indentured plantation workers, has been
active in both trade unions and politics since 1946. He founded
the People's Progressive Party in 1950, and has served as
president of the Rice Producer's Association (1952-53); head of
the PPP-elected government and minister of agriculture (1953);
head of the next PPP-elected government and minister of trade and
industry (1957-61); and head of the third PPP-elected government
and minister of development and planning (1961-64). Since 1970, he
has been honorary president of the Guyana Agricultural and General
Workers' Union and General Secretary of the PPP. He was elected
president of the Co-Operative Republic of Guyana in 1992 in the
country's first free and independent election.

Jagan is the author of several books, including _Forbidden
Freedom_ (1955, Lawrence & Wishart International Publishers); _The
West on Trial: The Fight for Guyana's Freedom_ (1980, Seven Seas
International Publishers); and _Caribbean Revolution_ (1979, Orbis

His talk is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.