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Nov. 28, 1995
Contact: Women's Center (609) 258-5565

6th Annual Raising Women's Voices Conference Focuses on Gender and Communication

Princeton, N.J.--The sixth annual Raising Women's Voices conference will look at the way gender affects communication. The conference, entitled ``Say What?: Gender and Communication in the '90s,'' will take place on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8 and 9, in the Princeton University Art Museum.

David Sadker, author of Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Shortchange Girlswill give the conference's opening talk on Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. He will speak on his findings regarding gender disparities in communication in American education, from elementary school through college.

Other featured speakers include Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky and Eleanor Smeal. Former U.S. congresswoman Margolies-Mezvinsky was the director of the U.S. delegation to the recent U.N. 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing. Her address, scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Dec. 9, offers ``A National and International Perspective: From the House of Representatives to Beijing.'' Smeal, past president of N.O.W., is the founder and president of The Feminist Majority, a Washington D.C.-based think tank and advocacy group. Smeal will speak on ``Visualizing Our Future: Feminists On-Line and World-Wide'' at 11:30 on Dec. 9.

According to conference organizer and Princeton sophomore Amanda Terry, the Princeton students who put together the conference wanted to appeal to a mainstream audience. ``We chose to focus on the relationship between gender and communication because we feel this topic raises issues relevant to the lives of all women and men,'' said Terry. ``We seek to provide a forum to discuss how gender differences in communication affect women and men's relationships in realms such as business, politics, and education.''

All women and men are welcome to attend without charge. Events are detailed in the accompanying schedule.