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Visiting fellows appointed

Davis Center selects new fellows

Princeton NJ -- The Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies has appointed seven scholars as visiting fellows for the 2004-05 academic year.

The Davis Center was established in 1968 to provide a focal point for historical research at Princeton and to stimulate intellectual exchange both within the Department of History and between the department and visiting scholars. The center fosters research on chosen themes through a weekly seminar, conferences and workshops, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and subjects that span geographical areas or periods.

The Davis fellows will participate in the second year of the ''Cities: Space, Society and History'' theme, which focuses on the study of the city as a physical and social space. They are:

Sheila Crane of the University of California-Santa Cruz, who specializes in Algiers and Marseille;

David Frisby of the University of Glasgow, whose project is on Berlin and Vienna;

Pamela Long, an independent scholar/visiting prize fellow at the American Academy in Rome and a scholar of counter-Reformation Rome;

Frank Mort of the University of London, who studies the culture of London;

Martin Murray of the State University of New York-Binghamton, who studies post-apartheid Johannesburg;

Jordan Sand of Georgetown University, whose field is modern-day Tokyo; and

Sarah Schrank of the University of California-San Diego, who specializes in 20th-century Los Angeles.

Weekly seminars take place at 4:30 p.m. Thursdays in 211 Dickinson. A series of lectures by distinguished speakers will be included in this year's program. Scheduled lecturers include Salman Rushdie, Tony Vidler and David Harvey, among others. For more information, see the Davis Center Web site at <davisctr.princeton.edu>.
