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Benefits update

Need more information? Check out these sources

There are a number of sources of information that can assist employees in selecting the health care plan or coverage that meets their personal and family needs. Information is available electronically, in print and in person.


Use the Web. Visit the open enrollment Web site at <www.princeton.edu/hr/oe> for descriptions of the different plan features, rates for 2005 and links to the various health care providers, which include directories of health care professionals and facilities that participate in the particular health care or dental care plan. Faculty and staff members who do not have access to a computer can view the open enrollment Web site on kiosks set up in the Office of Human Resources in 1 New South.

In print

Review the open enrollment material. Use the personalized benefits enrollment form to review your current health care plan coverage, in conjunction with the information in the benefits open enrollment packet, which provides comprehensive information on the different plan features as well as plan rate changes effective Jan. 1, 2005.

In person

Attend the Benefits Fair. The Benefits Fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, in Dillon Gym and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday Oct. 25, in the Spitzer Building at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Representatives from many of the health, welfare and retirement vendors will be present to answer questions.

Visit a site. You can visit one of the following locations at any time to pick up forms and informational materials:

• 1 New South

• Engineering Quad

• Firestone Library

• Helm Building

• MacMillan Building

• 87 Prospect Ave.

• Jadwin Gym

• Robertson Hall

• PPPL Office of Human Resources.

Meet with a benefits specialist or a representative from the various health and welfare providers: Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, Medco and Carebridge. Look for more information regarding dates, times and locations for these meetings. No appointment is needed.
