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By the numbers

Focus on the Middle East

As the world's eyes have increasingly focused on the Middle East, Princeton students are expressing strong interest in classes that deal with the cultural and political issues raised by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the war in Iraq and other recent events.

• Across the country Arabic is the fastest-growing foreign language studied at college and universities. At Princeton, enrollment in Arabic has increased from 19 students in fall 2001 to 83 students in fall 2004.

• Overall enrollment in Princeton's Near Eastern studies courses has increased from 118 in fall 2001 to 177 in fall 2004.

• The number of graduate students taking Near Eastern studies program courses has increased from 11 in fall 2001 to 52 in fall 2004.

Source: Registrar's office figures used are from data collected at the end of the second week of classes.
