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Nassau Notes

still life painting

Still life painting by Rena Segal

Still life exhibition

This work is part of an exhibition of still life by Rena Segal on display in the Women and Gender Studies Lounge, 113 Dickinson Hall, through Oct. 29.

Segal’s art has been exhibited in many galleries and group shows. In 1998, she had an exhibition at the Gallery at Bristol-Myers Squibb with her father, George Segal, an influential figurative sculptor.

BP exec to deliver Taplin Lecture Oct. 4

John Browne, group chief executive of the oil firm BP, will speak about “Powers and Responsibilities — the Role of Corporations in Human Progress” at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 4, in McCosh 50.

The talk is part of the Frank and Peggy Taplin Environmental Lecture series and part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Princeton Environmental Institute. The talk will be followed at 5:45 p.m. by a reception in McCosh courtyard.

Under Browne’s leadership in 1998, BP announced a commitment to reduce its emissions of the heat-trapping gases that cause global warming to 10 percent below 1990 levels by 2010. The company met the target eight years early at no net cost, according to BP. In 2000, BP donated $15 million to Princeton to establish the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, a 10-year effort to investigate science and technology for solving the global greenhouse gas problem.

The Taplin Environmental Lecture is an annual event that brings leaders from around the world to discuss pressing environmental issues. The Princeton Environmental Institute coordinates environmental research, education and outreach at Princeton and is home to the Carbon Mitigation Initiative. More information about the anniversary celebration is available on the institute’s Web site at <web.princeton.edu/sites/pei/>.

Dyson to speak on digital computing

Author George Dyson will present a lecture titled “Barricelli’s Universe: Digital Computing in Princeton, 1945-58” at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5, in McCosh 10 as part of the University’s Public Lectures Series.

Dyson is the son of Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study. George Dyson, a Director’s Visitor at the institute in 2002-03, will present material illustrating the highlights of hardware and software development at the institute led by John von Neumann. He will emphasize some pioneering work in computational biology by geneticist Nils Aall Barricelli in which the institute took the lead.

A boat designer, writer and historian of technology, Dyson’s interests have ranged from the development and redevelopment of the Aleut kayak (“Baidarka,” 1986) to the evolution of digital computing and telecommunications (“Darwin Among the Machines,” 1997) and nuclear bomb-propelled space exploration (“Project Orion,” 2002). He teaches at Western Washington University.

Dyson’s talk is designated as the Walter E. Edge Lecture and will be available for online viewing a week after the event at <www.princeton.edu/webmedia>.

Prize-winning author to read from his work

British author Alan Hollinghurst will read from his work at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6, in the Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.

Hollinghurst is serving this fall as an Old Dominion Fellow and as a lecturer in the Humanities Council and the Creative Writing Program.

He won Somerset Maugham and E.M. Forster awards for his first novel, “Swimming-Pool Library” (1988). It was followed by “The Folding Star” in 1994, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize for Fiction and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. He also is the author of “Spell” (1998) and, most recently, “The Line of Beauty,” which is shortlisted for the 2004 Booker Prize.

The event is part of the Creative Writing Program’s Althea Ward Clark Reading Series.

Election is focus of Oct. 6 panel

Apanel discussion focusing on “Election 2004” is set for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6, in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall.

The panel will feature faculty members from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs who are experts on topics ranging from voting behavior to economic policy. The session will be moderated by David Lewis, assistant professor of politics and public affairs and the author of “Presidents and the Politics of Agency Design” (Stanford University Press, 2003).

Panelists will be: Larry Bartels, the Donald E. Stokes Professor of Public and International Affairs and director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics; Mickey Edwards, lecturer in public and international affairs and a Republican member of Congress from Oklahoma from 1977-93; and Paul Krugman, professor of economics and international affairs and columnist for The New York Times.

The panel is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School.

Ethicist to discuss liberalism, morals and the law

Liberalism, Morals and the Supreme Law of the Land” is the topic of a talk to be presented at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6, in 104 Computer Science Building.

Speaking will be Peter Berkowitz, an associate professor at George Mason University’s School of Law and a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a public policy research center. He also is a senior consultant to the President’s Council on Bioethics and the founding co-director of the Jerusalem Program on Constitutional Government.

The author of “Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism,” Berkowitz is the editor of “Never a Matter of Indifference: Sustaining Virtue in a Free Republic” as well as of a volume assessing the state of American intelligence capacities in the wake of the Sept. 11 Commission report.

His talk is sponsored by the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions as part of its America’s Founding and Future Lecture Series.

Al-Arabiya correspondent to give views on terrorism and Islam

Nadia Bilbasey, Washington correspondent for the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya satellite television network, will speak on “Terrorism and Islam” at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall.

Bilbasey covers U.S. foreign and defense policy for Al-Arabiya, an Arabic language 24-hour satellite news station beamed throughout the Middle East. Her expertise also includes issues involving the media and U.S. public diplomacy.

Bilbasey has worked as a journalist throughout the Middle East and Africa. She joined Al Arabiya in spring 2003 as a war correspondent and was embedded with U.S. Marines on the push to Baghdad from Kuwait. In July 2003, she moved to Washington as an international correspondent for Al-Arabiya.

Launched in early 2003, Al-Arabiya is one of the most-watched news stations throughout the Arab world and, according to a recent U.S. State Department poll, captured more market share in Iraq than its rival satellite news station, Al-Jazeera.

The lecture is sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. It is part of a series leading up to the April 2005 Princeton Colloquium on Public and International Affairs, which will focus on the U.S.-led war on terror.


Jazz Ensemble rehearsal

Jazz Ensemble

The Princeton University Concert Jazz Ensemble will kick off its 2004-05 concert season with a “Big Band Dance Party” at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9, in Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall. The celebration will feature music from the orchestras of Benny Goodman, Jimmie Lunceford, Tommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller, Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington and Count Basie. The ensemble will be under the direction of Anthony D.J. Branker (shown here in a rehearsal with clarinetist Audrey Wright). Tickets are $15 for general admission and $5 for students, and are available through the auditorium box office at 258-5000.

International Center plans film, talk and exhibition on life in Siberia

A series of events focusing on Siberian Russia are planned for Oct. 10-24 by the International Center.

The film “Siberian Dream” will be shown at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 10, in 302 Frist Campus Center. This one-hour documentary, directed by Janet Gardner with Irina Pantaeva, explores the historical struggle of the Buryat-Mongolians in Siberian Russia.

The film is based on Pantaeva’s 1998 memoir by the same title. It follows Pantaeva, who left the country to become a supermodel and actress, and her son back to their homeland in Buryatia and reveals the difficulties of life following the demise of the old communist system. The nomadic Buryats are Siberia’s largest indigenous population.

The film will be followed by a discussion with Jack Matlock, ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987 to 1991. A 35-year member of the U.S. foreign service specializing in European and Soviet affairs, he has served as a visiting professor in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

A photography exhibition featuring the people, landscape and architecture of Buryatia, Russia, will be on display from Tuesday, Oct. 12, through Sunday, Oct. 24, on the 100 level of the Frist Campus Center. The pictures were taken by Rebecca Matlock, wife of Jack Matlock, during their time in Russia.

Roof use prohibited

University policy prohibits the use of roofs on campus for personal or social purposes. This policy exists because of the obvious hazard of falls, as well as the possibility of roof damage.

Some roofs may be used for research and teaching with prior approval by contacting either David Blydenburgh, maintenance, at 258-6607; or Greg Cantrell, environmental health and safety, at 258-5294 or <cantrell@princeton.edu>.
