Hit the classroom before the stadium
Princeton NJ -- The Alumni Association is once again offering Tiger football fans a chance to hit the classroom before they hit the stadium.
The Alumni Education Program has organized a series of lectures this fall that precede selected home football games. The lectures are free and are open to alumni, family members, faculty and staff.
All lectures start at 10 a.m. Here is the schedule:
• Saturday, Oct. 16, A02 McDonnell (Brown game): Jennifer Greeson, assistant professor of English, on “Dark Satanic Fields: ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ and United States Industrialization.”
• Saturday, Oct. 23, A02 McDonnell (Harvard game): David Billington, the Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor of Engineering and a member of the class of 1950, on “Engineering, Culture and the Urban Environment: Unique Opportunities for Princeton.”
• Saturday, Nov. 6, in 101 McCormick (Penn game): D. Graham Burnett, assistant professor of history and a member of the class of 1993, on “Mapping a Sea of Fire: Moby Dick and the History of Science.”
• Saturday, Nov. 20, in 101 McCormick (Dartmouth game): David Wilcove, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and public affairs and a 1985 graduate alumnus, on “Putting Woodpeckers in the Bank ... and Other Strange, New Approaches to Protecting Endangered Species on Private Property.”
For more information, contact Kaitlin Lutz in the Alumni Council at 258-0014 or <>.