Students and teachers come to campus for summer programs


Princeton NJ -- As the academic year ended in June, an important season of learning and research at Princeton began.

Teachers and students from the New Jersey region and beyond were on campus for a wide range of programs this summer. The workshops and classes were led by University faculty, students and staff and were designed to develop participants' skills and expose them to cutting-edge research.

  Students Jessica Sanchez and Anna Mejia in workshop session

Students Jessica Sanchez (left) and Anna Mejia (center) are members of the first class to graduate from the Princeton University Preparatory Program, an intensive academic experience designed to help them get ready for college. Here, Robin Moscato (right), senior associate director of Princeton's financial aid office, led a workshop on financial aid during the six-week summer session. The program, which also includes tutoring during the school year, admits students from Ewing, Princeton and Trenton who have excelled academically and are members of a group traditionally under-represented at highly selective colleges and universities. Sixty-one high school sophomores, juniors and seniors currently are enrolled in the program.

From high school students who reported and wrote newspaper articles to biology teachers who learned how to perform DNA fingerprinting in their classes, the program participants came away with knowledge, technical resources and mentoring relationships that help them carry their work further in their own studies and classrooms.

Some of the opportunities offered at Princeton this summer included:

• Partners-in-Science, in which high school teachers spent eight weeks working in the labs of chemistry department faculty members, conducting research on solar cells, environmental chemistry and other areas of science.

• Community House Computer Camp, a four-week program aimed at exposing local middle school students to computers and the many ways they are integrated into everyday life.

• The Daily Princetonian Class of 2001 Summer Journalism Program, which brought students from urban, disadvantaged school districts who are traditionally underrepresented in the worlds of collegiate and professional journalism to campus for 10 days to learn about journalism and the college admissions process.

• "Molecular Biology in the 21st Century: Applications and Dilemmas," an intensive two-week workshop in which teachers from regional schools learned techniques of genetic manipulation and conducted experiments in which they tested food for genetically modified ingredients and performed DNA fingerprinting.

• Princeton University Preparatory Program, which brought area high school students to campus for an intensive series of courses, workshops and events designed to provide the crucial preparation they need to enter college.

• Quest, which provided programs for elementary and middle school teachers that covered topics such as weather and climate, earthquakes and volcanoes, and electricity and magnetism.

• The Cotsen Children's Library, which sponsored several workshops for children throughout the summer on topics such as shadow puppetry and a field guide to the campus.

• The Princeton Materials Institute, which sponsored several programs to expose students to the latest research and technology, including: one in connection with the Trenton-based Upward Bound program for local high school students; and one for students from colleges that do not have high-level scientific research.

• The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, which was the site of programs for high school physics teachers, high school students and undergraduates from around the country.

In addition, the Center for Visitors and Conference Services coordinated nearly 150 programs and camps on campus during the summer that attracted some 10,000 participants.

For stories and photographs about many of these programs, visit the archive of home page pictures at <>.


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