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News from Princeton, Jul-Sep 1996

Jan-Mar 1996 | Apr-Jun 1996 | Jul-Sep 1996 | Oct-Dec 1996

Marvin Bressler to Ponder Princeton University's Future in the Light of its Past
Lecture will refer to the evolution and current status at Princeton of faculty scholarship, curricular issues and teaching, the composition of the student body, moral education and the University as community.

Commissioner of N.J. Department of Human Services to Speak at Princeton
New Jersey's Department of Human Services Commissioner William Waldman will speak on "The Changing Face of Human Services"

"Clinton Defense Program" to be Subject of Talk at Princeton
William J. Lynn III, director for program analysis and evaluation in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, will speak on the "Clinton Defense Program"

Privatizing the Public Service to be Discussed by New Zealand Government Official
Charlotte Williams, deputy secretary for strategic responses to crime in New Zealand's Ministry of Justice, will speak on "Privatizing the Public Service: Reflections on the New Zealand Experience"

Papers of Witness to Key Events of Russian Revolution Available at Princeton
The papers of one of the few Americans to witness several key events of the Russian Revolution are now available at Princeton University's Mudd Manuscript Library.

"Recall Those Days of Gladness: Autograph Books and Scrapbooks From the 19th Century"
When Uncle Charley pulls out his 8mm Sony camcorder at the family picnic and starts pointing it at his relatives, he's not doing anything that people have not done for hundreds of years--only the technology has changed.
