Weekly Bulletin
December 13, 1999
Vol. 89, No. 12
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Page one news and features
Two miles underground ... studying subsurface microbes
Social dance and social life
In the news

Director's Alert profiles Shapiro

Nassau Notes

Grants available



Visit the web site of the Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) at for information on many funding opportunities, including those listed below. Questions may be directed to Jan Anderson or Lisa Kulp of ORPA (258-3976 or 258-4958). Grant applications are available in limited numbers from ORPA unless otherwise noted.

American Research Institute in Turkey
(215) 898-3474

March 5. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in Turkey for East European Scholars. Two to three-month fellowships for research conducted in Turkey in any field of social sciences or humanities involving Turkey. Stipend is $11,500. Open to Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Bulgarian and Romanian scholars.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund
(919) 991-5100

January 18. Scholar Awards and New Investigator Awards in Molecular Parasitology or Molecular Pathogenic Mycology. Program offers $425,000 over five years for Scholar Awards and $210,000 over three years for New Investigator Awards. Available to citizens or permanent residents of US or Canada. Candidate must be tenure-track faculty. Only one candidate is permitted per institution; contact ORPA for specific details.

January 18. New Initiatives in Malaria Research. Program provides $400,000 over four years or $100,000 over two years. Available to US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are tenure-track faculty members. Only two candidates are permitted per institution; contact ORPA for specific details.

March 1. Visiting Professorships in Basic Medical Sciences and Microbiological Sciences. Program provides $5,000 to enable US and Canadian institutions to bring in a distinguished scientist for up to five days for teaching, discussion and lecture. Visits should be scheduled between September 15, 2000 and August 31, 2001. Only one candidate is permitted per institution; contact ORPA for specific details.

Cornell University
(607) 255-9274

January 3. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships. Research and writing fellowships for one year residence beginning July 2000, with a stipend of $32,000. Available in classics, English, history of art, music, Romance studies, and science and technology studies. Applicants must have received PhD degree after September 1994 and before June 30, 2000. Limited to citizens or permanent residents of US and citizens of Canada.

International Research, Exchanges Board
(202) 628-8188

February 1 and June 1. Short-Term Travel Grants. Provide up to $3,000 for scholarly projects of up to two weeks in humanities and social sciences, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Mongolia. Applicant must have PhD or equivalent professional/terminal degree at time of application. Limited to US citizens or permanent residents or people resident in US for at least three years.

National Air and Space Museum
(202) 287-3271

January 15. Guggenheim Fellowship. Three to 12-month residential fellowship for historical research related to aviation and space. Pre-doctoral applicants should have completed preliminary course work and examinations and be engaged in dissertation research. Postdoctoral applicants should have received PhD within past seven years. Stipends are $15,000 for predoctoral candidates and $27,000 for postdoctoral candidates.

January 15. A. Verville Fellowship. Nine to 12-month residential fellowship with stipend of $35,000 intended for analysis of major trends, developments, and accomplishments in history of aviation or space studies. Advanced degree is not a requirement.

January 15. Ramsey Fellowship in Naval Aviation History. Nine to 12-month residential fellowship focused on history of aviation at sea and in naval service, particularly in US Navy, with stipend of $40,000. Advanced degree is not a requirement.

National Endowment for Humanities
(202) 606-8400

February 1. Public Programs: planning, scripting, implementation, production.

March 1. To Direct Seminars and Institutes in Summer 2001.

April 15. Humanities Focus Grants.

May 1. Fellowships; Challenge Grants; Consultation Grants.

Eligibility is limited to US citizens or permanent residents who have lived in US for more than three years.

National Science Foundation
(703) 306-1234


January 5. Letter of Intent for Information Technology Research (budgets up to $500,000).

February 14. Full proposals for Information Technology Research (budgets up to $500,000).


January 7. Plant Genome Research.

January 10. Biological Databases and Informatics; Integrated Research Challenges in Environmental Biology.

January 26. Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology.

February 4. Supplement Requests for Biological Research Collections.


January 15. CADRE/Experimental Activities; International Digital Libraries Collaborative Research.

January 25. CISE Research Infrastructure Program.

January 31. Connections to Internet.

February 15. Knowledge and Cognitive Systems; Information and Data Management; Computation and Social Systems; Human Computer Interaction; Robotics and Human Augmentation; Special Projects in Networking.

March 1. Advanced Computational Research: Visualization and Graphics.

May 14. CISE Educational Innovation Program.

Cross-Cutting Programs

January 12. NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering; Phase II Proposals for Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer.

January 15. International Digital Libraries Collaborative Research; Research Equipment Funding: Chemical Transport Systems Division.

Education, Human Resources

January 20. Letter of Intent for Centers for Teaching and Learning.

February 27. Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.

March 1. Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education: Preliminary Proposals for Informal Science; Proposals for Centers for Teaching and Learning.

March 31. Urban Systemic Program in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.


January 12. Phase II Proposals for Small Business Innovative Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Program; NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering.

January 15. Research Equipment Funding: Chemical Transport Systems.

January 27. Research on Advanced Technologies for Housing.

January 31. Action Agenda for Engineering Curriculum Innovation.

February 7 (preproposals), June 12 (full proposals): Engineering Microsystems: XYZ on a Chip.


January 1. Letter of Intent for NSF/ISSI Partnership for Solar Maximum 2000.

January 7. Research in Support of National Space Weather Program.

January 12. NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering.

February 14. Earth System History.

February 15. US WOCE Activities: 1998-2002: Analysis, Interpretation, Modeling and Synthesis.

March 1. Proposals for NSF/ISSI Partnership for Solar Maximum 2000.


January 15. International Digital Libraries Collaborative Research.

Math, Physical Sciences

January 3. Instrumentation and Materials Research.

January 10. Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities: Departmental Multi-User Instrumentation and Instrumentation Development.

January 12. NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering.

January 18. Scientific Computing Research Environments for Mathematical Sciences.

Polar Programs

February 14. Earth System History.

February 15. Arctic Research Program Opportunities.

Social, Behavioral, Economic Research

January 1. Archaeology and Archaeometry: Systematic Anthropological Collections; Cultural Anthropology: Dissertation Research.

January 15. Geography and Regional Science; Political Sciences; Child Learning and Development; Law and Social Science; Methodology, Measurement and Statistics; Social Psychology; Sociology: Senior Research Proposals; Decision, Risk and Management Science; Economics; Linguistics; Human Cognition and Perception.

February 1. Science and Technology Studies; Research Experience for Graduates Supplements; Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science and Technology: Ethics and Values Studies Research on Science and Technology.

February 15. Geography and Regional Science: Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Proposals; Sociology: Dissertation Proposals; Computation and Social Systems.

Social Science Research Council
(212) 377-2700

January 12. Fellowships for Study of International Migration to United States. Support for dissertation and postdoctoral research and for participation in minority summer dissertation workshop. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents or international students at US institutions.

February 1. Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies. Pre and postdoctoral fellowships of nine to 12 months to encourage comparative and interdisciplinary study of economic, political and social aspects of modern and contemporary German and European affairs. Open to citizens and permanent residents of US and Canada.

US Institute of Peace
(202) 429-3842

December 30. Solicited Grants. Topics for 2000 are: Great Power Relations: United States, China and Russia; Intervention and Humanitarian Assistance; Africa; and Training. Awards are generally $25,000 to $45,000 for one to two years to US citizens or foreign scholars.

Wabash Center
(800) 655-7117

January 1. Study Leave Grants for study projects in 2000-2001 academic year that focus directly on pedagogy in teaching theology and religion. Awards of up to $50,000 for salary replacement for a semester or for sabbatical pay subsidy. Eligibility is limited to full-time faculty members in religion departments of colleges and universities in North America.

New on ORPA's website:

• Recent Notification Memos
• Funding Opportunities for Young Faculty
• List of Publications in ORPA's Library
