Princeton University

Princeton Weekly Bulletin   November 6, 2006, Vol. 96, No. 8   prev   next   current

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  • The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Office of Communications. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Office of Communications, Princeton University, 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton, NJ 08542. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.
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  • Editor: Ruth Stevens

    Calendar editor: Carolyn Geller

    Staff writers: Jennifer Greenstein Altmann, Eric Quiñones

    Contributing writers: Chad Boutin, Teresa Riordan

    Photographers: Denise Applewhite, John Jameson

    Design: Maggie Westergaard

    Web edition: Mahlon Lovett

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University seeks input on campus plan through open forum, Web site

Princeton NJ — This month, members of the University and local communities will have an opportunity to learn more about the University’s new campus plan and to provide feedback on the effort through an open forum and a Web site.

“Plans in Progress,” the open forum, is scheduled for 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 8, in the Chancellor Green Rotunda. Phase one of the Web site, at, went live on Nov. 2.

The University is midway through a two-year effort to create a comprehensive plan for the campus that will guide development over the next 10 years and beyond. The open forum and the Web site are intended to provide an opportunity for the planning team to learn more about issues that matter to the University and local communities as well as to make available more detailed information on the planning effort.

Those attending [the open forum] … will be able to view a large model and dozens of visual displays … with themes ranging from landscaping and sustainability to parking and transportation. Stations also will focus on the various campus “neighborhoods” that are part of the plan.

“A campus planning effort is significantly enriched through the ideas and suggestions offered by community members,” said Executive Vice President Mark Burstein.

Those attending “Plans in Progress” will be able to view a large model and dozens of visual displays set up around both floors of the rotunda on all aspects of the campus plan, with themes ranging from landscaping and sustainability to parking and transportation. Stations also will focus on the various campus “neighborhoods” that are part of the plan.

Members of the planning team will be available at each display station for discussion and to answer questions. Those attending will be encouraged to fill out feedback cards with ideas about how the campus should grow. Refreshments will be served.

The Web site incorporates and expands on many of the materials presented at the open forum. It includes a timeline describing the development of the campus since it was established in Princeton in 1756, along with maps and images. Like the open forum, it is organized by theme and by neighborhood. As work progresses during the year, additional information will be posted on the site. Feedback also will be sought through a mechanism on the Web site.

The planning effort is being led by the award-winning firm of Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP. Working with a team of seven other planning and design firms specializing in transportation engineering, landscape design, storm water management, parking and wayfinding, BBB is taking a fresh look at the 400-acre campus, providing a framework for campus growth that seeks to strengthen and reintroduce a landscape network throughout the campus while improving traffic, parking and pedestrian circulation between the campus and surrounding neighborhoods.

The initiative follows an intensive series of internal discussions with senior administrators, faculty, architects and other key stakeholders through which the University has developed a set of overarching principles for campus planning and development: maintain a pedestrian-oriented campus; preserve the park-like character of the campus; maintain campus “neighborhoods” while promoting a sense of community; develop in an environmentally responsible manner; and sustain strong community relations.


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