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By the numbers

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Princeton NJ -- This year marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s “wonder year” in which he published some of his most influential work. The year has been designated by an international consortium of scientific organizations as the World Year of Physics.

The University’s departments of physics and astrophysical sciences will present a series of public events during 2005 in celebration of the centennial. They have set up a Web site with information on forthcoming events at: <pupgg.princeton.edu/www/ jh/worldyearofphysics/>.

The staff of the University Archives regularly receives inquiries about Einstein’s connection to Princeton. In fact, the staff has created a page titled “Where can I find information concerning Albert Einstein?” on its Web site at: <www.princeton.edu/mudd/news/ faq/topics/einstein.shtml>.

According to the Mudd Manuscript Library site:

• Einstein first arrived at Princeton in 1921 to deliver four Stafford Little Lectures on the theory of relativity and to accept an honorary doctor of science degree. He returned again in 1933 as a life member of the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study and lived in Princeton for the remaining 22 years of his life.

• While an important member of the larger intellectual community of Princeton, Einstein was not a member of the Princeton University faculty although he did have an office on campus. Because he was not officially affiliated with the University, the University Archives has limited information on Einstein.

The information that is available includes:

• the Albert Einstein Duplicate Archive, consisting of a photocopied duplicate archive of the original Albert Einstein Archive at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The papers span Einstein's entire career and are augmented by additions through 1979.

• the Fantova Collection on Albert Einstein, consisting of a diary written by Anna Fantova, a former Princeton librarian, who was one of Einstein's closest friends. She recorded the scientist’s day-to-day thoughts and activities during the last year and a half of his life.

• the Einstein in Japan Collection, consisting of memorabilia from his 1922 trip to Japan. Included in the collection are a lacquer box for writing tools, an album of drawings by school children presented as tributes to Einstein, three photographs and miscellaneous invitations (in Japanese).
