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First issue of Health and Well-Being News debuts

Princeton NJ -- The inaugural issue of Health and Well-Being News, a newsletter sponsored by the University’s Task Force on Health and Well-Being, is being distributed.

newsletter, vol.1, no.1

It offers articles in sections including health, work/life, fitness, dining, well-being and spirituality. Topics range from services available through the Carebridge employee assistance program and information on online mental health screening to details on the March 3 FitFest and an explanation of resources provided by University Services.

An electronic “pdf” version of the newsletter has been disseminated to faculty and staff via e-mail. A printable version is available online at <www.princeton.edu/hwbtf/news/ 2005/hwbnews0205lo.pdf>. Those interested in reading an enhanced version (Adobe Reader 6.0 required) of the newsletter that contains live links to the programs and departments featured may go to <www.princeton.edu/ hwbtf/news/index.shtml> and click on “Enhanced.”

A paper version of the newsletter soon will be distributed to members of the University community who don’t have regular access to computers. In addition, paper copies will be available at many locations around campus.

The newsletter, one of the recommendations in the final report of the task force in November 2004, also features a new health and well-being logo: an apple that incorporates a portion of the University shield. The logo is intended to capture the mission of the task force, which is to increase the awareness of programs, services and benefits related to health and well-being for all members of the University community.

Two more issues of the newsletter, produced by the Office of Communications, are planned for the spring semester. Those with suggestions or feedback should contact Karen Woodbridge at <karenw@princeton.edu> or 258-5656.
