Feedback encouraged on new Web site
By Ruth Stevens
Princeton NJ -- The University’s new online presence was unveiled for the campus community on Jan. 14, when a link to the University’s redesigned home page and core Web site was posted on the current site. Since then, campus users have been encouraged to take a look and provide feedback during a month-long preview.
“I am absolutely elated about the crisp visual appearance and newly written content you have created,” wrote one staff member in the online feedback form.
The core Web site the top 200 pages is intended to convey a better sense of Princeton through new and updated content and more pictures, while retaining an emphasis on frequently refreshed news content. The new design and navigational structure will make it easier for users internal and external to find Web content.
This visual guide to the University Web site’s new navigation and sections is available by clicking on the “New Site User Guide” link under “Web Site Highlights” in the lower right corner of the home page.
The new site represents the culmination of efforts started in 2001 by the Web Strategy Task Force, co-chaired by Robert Durkee, vice president and secretary, and Betty Leydon, vice president for information technology and chief information officer. The project was guided by input from the campus community through the work of the task force, an online survey, focus groups, individual discussions, vendor briefings and site testing. It represents a joint effort of the Office of Communications and the Office of Information Technology, with contributions from many other University departments and external consultants.
The campus-wide preview will enable the Web team to test new features, receive feedback and make changes before the public launch on Feb. 14. The preview site can only be viewed on computers connected to the campus network or by those with specific log-in privileges.
“We encourage students, faculty and staff to preview the site and send us specific comments good and critical,” said Lauren Robinson-Brown, director of communications. “The beauty of the Web is that it’s an ever-changing form of communication. We’ll be able to take the feedback we receive during this initial phase and incorporate it to make the site even more responsive to the users.”
Each main section of the site “About,” “Academics,” “Library,” “Research,” “Admission & Aid,” “Administration & Services,” “Campus Life” and “Visiting Campus” now has a sub-navigation menu that provides direct access to each of the pages within that section. Each “Overview” page and many other pages include additional information about the University through text and pictures. For example, the “Overview” page in the research section describes the kind of research taking place at the University and shows a photograph of Princeton students conducting anthropological fieldwork in France.
The content of the site is meant to meet the needs of both external and internal audiences. Much of the new content (such as the text on the “Overview” pages) has been written to tell a compelling story about the University to external visitors. At the same time, many new features and sections are intended to improve access to information for internal audiences. For example, a new section under “Administration & Services” lists resources available to help faculty and staff plan events on campus. Three new pages in the “About” and “Academics” sections should be of interest to both types of visitors: “University Governance,” “Departments & Programs” and “View of Campus.”
New sections, up-to-date technology
In addition to the main topic sections, the site incorporates new audience-specific sections aimed at current students, prospective students, parents, alumni and faculty and staff which act as springboards into the site’s main content as well as to other University sites.
The navigational structure and various tools have been built to better serve users. Visual elements clearly situate each page within the overall navigation scheme, making it easy to find the page again. A “Search” box now appears directly on the home page, as well as in some audience sections and the “News” pages. The search page and several other tools including redesigned A to Z lists and a “Site Map” also are available on the top right portion of every core site page.
In addition, the site embraces the most current Web technologies, including advanced cascading style sheets and XML and XSLT programming languages. It is built on a powerful content management system, Roxen CMS, which improves the ease of keeping Web content up-to-date.
An explanation of how to use the new site as well as frequently asked questions about the project are available by clicking on the “About the University’s New Site” link under “Web Site Highlights” in the lower right corner of the home page. Included is a visual guide to the new navigation and sections.
Feedback requested
To provide reactions to the new site or to request assistance, members of the campus community can use the Web page feedback form highlighted in the footer at the bottom of the new home page. While the Web team cannot provide individual responses to every item, all feedback will be taken into account. Answers to new frequently asked questions will be added to the “About This Site” pages.
Since the campus launch, many viewers have responded with reactions, as well as suggestions. Two of the most frequent questions have been regarding the relocation of links from the old site to the new site. Those looking for the “WebMail” link, formerly the last link in the bottom left corner, can now find it as the first link in the upper right corner. Those wanting to find the Princeton athletics site can now go directly to it from the home page under “Quick Links” on the right side.
Some minor technical issues for certain browsers and pages currently are being resolved, according to Reed Meister, director of Web communications and strategic projects in the Office of Communications. “We look forward to hearing from people on campus about ways to further improve the site,” he said.