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Keohanes to join Princeton faculty

By Ruth Stevens

Princeton NJ -- Nannerl Keohane, former president of Duke University, and her husband, Robert O. Keohane, the James B. Duke Professor of Political Science there, will join the faculty of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs next year.

Nan Keohane

Nan Keohane

Nan Keohane will become the Laurance S. Rockefeller Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Affairs and the University Center for Human Values, and Robert Keohane will become professor of international affairs.

Nan Keohane stepped down this past June after serving for 11 years as president of Duke. She was Duke's first woman president and one of the first women to lead a major U.S. research university. Also a professor of political science at Duke, she has written extensively in the fields of political philosophy, feminism and education.

Robert Keohane, an eminent international relations scholar, is a recipient of the prestigious Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. He has taught at Swarthmore, Stanford, Brandeis and Harvard, in addition to Duke. The two are spending this year as fellows at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, Calif.

''We're enthusiastic about Princeton because of the opportunities for both of us in the areas of public policy and political theory,'' said Nan Keohane (pronounced KOH-han). ''It's certainly one of the best universities in the world for thinking about human affairs. We also have a sense of great excitement intellectually on campus these days at Princeton -- that it's a place that's on the move. There are a lot of people doing very interesting things, and we're pleased about the prospect of being part of that.

Robert Keohane

Robert Keohane

''We are impressed by how collegial Princeton is,'' she continued. ''So many people have reached out to us warmly both as part of the recruitment process and, now that we've made the decision, to let us know how glad they are that we're coming. It wasn't an easy decision because we really had been very happy at Duke and we loved it there, but we're intrigued by a number of things at Princeton and excited by the prospect of being there.''

Anne-Marie Slaughter, dean of Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School, is delighted with the opportunity to have the two scholars on the faculty.

''Bob Keohane is the leading international relations scholar of his generation,'' she said. ''We had added four top scholars at the mid-career level. We were in the unusual situation of having had our senior scholars retire or leave for presidencies. Adding Bob is simply the missing piece that means we are now just in extraordinary shape.''

Slaughter and politics department chair Jeffrey Herbst have recruited Thomas Christensen, an expert on Chinese foreign policy and international security; John Ikenberry, a scholar of international relations theory, American foreign policy and international political economy; Helen Milner, a specialist in international political economy; and Jennifer Widner, who studies comparative politics and law.

The leadership Keohane will offer these faculty members is essential, Slaughter said. ''Bob Keohane has trained virtually every top international relations mid-career scholar currently working across the country, with a particular focus on mentoring women,'' she said. ''Through both his writing and his teaching, he has profoundly shaped the next generation of international relations scholarship and teaching.''

''I am really delighted to come to Princeton to the Woodrow Wilson School because there's such a vibrant and dynamic group of scholars and teachers studying international relations and broader issues of world politics,'' said Robert Keohane. ''Dean Slaughter has done a remarkable job recruiting to an already strong faculty a number of stars, many of whom I know. So I'm looking forward to teaching the wonderful Woodrow Wilson School students and to interacting with my colleagues in a very dynamic and interdisciplinary environment. I'm especially interested in policy issues. I want to combine the theoretical work I've done in the past with more policy-relevant work, and the school is a perfect place for that.''

Slaughter noted that Robert Keohane's position, subject to approval by Princeton's board of trustees, is a ''school-only'' appointment. Most faculty in the Woodrow Wilson School have joint appointments with another department. ''This appointment exclusively to the school reflects his commitment to taking the very best academic work and applying it to public policy problems,'' Slaughter said.

Nan Keohane possesses a distinctive background as a scholar and a university president. Before going to Duke, she served as president of Wellesley College, her alma mater, for 12 years and taught at Swarthmore, the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford.

''Nan Keohane brings a unique combination of training and a distinguished record in political theory and feminist theory combined with 20 years of public service at the helm of first Wellesley and then Duke,'' Slaughter said. ''She is an extraordinary leader. Her interest in supervising senior theses and teaching courses like ethics and public affairs are again a way in which we bring together very serious academic work with, in her case, applied philosophy and applied ethics.''

Stephen Macedo, director of the University Center for Human Values, said, ''In addition to her incredible experience as an academic leader, she brings great depth and seriousness as a scholar of political theory and, in particular, interests and accomplishments in French political thought and feminist theory. We very much look forward to welcoming her as a member of the research and teaching community here at Princeton, and I believe she'll be a splendid addition to our excellent faculty.''

Robert O. Keohane is the author of ''After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy'' (Princeton University Press, 1984), for which he was awarded the second annual Grawemeyer Award in 1989. He is also the author of ''Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World'' (Routledge, 2002) and ''International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory'' (Westview, 1989); and co-author (with Joseph S. Nye, Jr.) of ''Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition'' (Little, Brown, 1977, third edition, Addison-Wesley, 2001) and (with Gary King and Sidney Verba) of ''Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research'' (Princeton, 1994). He is editor or co-editor of, and contributor to, 11 other books, most recently, ''Humanitarian Intervention'' (Cambridge 2003), with J.L. Holzgrefe.

Between 1974 and 1980, he was editor of the journal International Organization. He was president of the International Studies Association in 1988-89 and of the American Political Science Association in 1999-2000. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has held a Guggenheim Fellowship and fellowships at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and the National Humanities Center. A graduate of Shimer College, he earned his Ph.D. from Harvard.

Nan Keohane, who earned her Ph.D. from Yale, is the author of ''Philosophy and the State in France: The Renaissance to the Enlightenment'' (Princeton University Press, 1980) and co-editor of ''Feminist Theory: A Critique of Ideology'' (University of Chicago Press, 1982). She was vice president of the American Political Science Association from 1988 to 1990.

Keohane serves on the boards of IBM, the National Humanities Center, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and chair of the Overseers Committee to Visit the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. She has been awarded honorary doctoral degrees by numerous colleges and universities, including an honorary doctor of laws degree from Princeton in 2004. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in October 1995, and won the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement in 1998.
