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Calendar of events

November 1-7, 2004

Monday, November 1


[F] 8 p.m. McCarter Theatre performance. Moscow Virtuosi; with Vladimir Spivakov, conductor and violin. Matthews Theatre.


2 p.m. Geophysical fluid dynamics seminar. ''Some Recent Research in the Hadley Centre.'' William Ingram, Oxford University. 209 GFDL, Forrestal.

3 p.m. Mathematics analysis seminar. ''Quaslinear Wave Equations in Exterior Domains.'' Jason Metcalfe, Georgia Institute of Technology. 314 Fine.

4 p.m. Applied and computational mathematics lecture. ''Equation-Free Modeling for Complex, Multiscale Systems.'' Ioannis Kevrekidis. 214 Fine.

4 p.m. Electrical engineering seminar on electronic materials and devices. ''Development of Materials for Organic Photonics and Electronics.'' Seth Marder, Georgia Institute of Technology. B205 Engineering Quadrangle.

4:30 p.m. Buddhist studies/Tang Center for East Asian Art lecture. ''Big Writing: The Monumental Sutras of Shandong Province and the Question of Scale in the Visual Arts.'' Robert Harrist, Columbia University. 101 McCormick.

4:30 p.m. Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions/politics/Test seminar, first of three. ''Religious Liberty: The Political Claim.'' David Novak, University of Toronto. 104 Computer Science.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics/Institute for Advanced Study number theory seminar. ''Uniform Bounds for Serre's Theorem for Elliptic Curves Over Function Fields.'' Chris Hall, University of Texas-Austin. 322 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. ''Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime.'' Geoffrey Stone, University of Chicago. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson.

7:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School/athletics lecture. ''Achieving Fiscal Responsibility in Athletics.'' Myles Brand, National Collegiate Athletic Association. Helm Auditorium, McCosh 50.

8 p.m. Center for Human Values/Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions lecture. ''The President of Good and Evil? Debating the Ethics of George W. Bush.'' Peter Singer, Marvin Olasky and Michael Doran. Wood Auditorium, McCosh 10.


[G] 4:30 p.m. Faculty meeting. Nassau.

Tuesday, November 2


Noon. Population research/demography seminar. ''Household Structure and Child Outcomes: Nuclear vs. Extended Families -- Evidence From Bangladesh.'' Lena Edlund, Columbia University. 300 Wallace.

12:15 p.m. Latin American studies lecture. ''Silence on the Mountain: Terror, Betrayal and Forgetting in Guatemala.'' Daniel Wilkinson, Human Rights Watch. 107, 58 Prospect Ave.

12:20 p.m. Princeton Environmental Institute lecture. ''Immobilization of Trace Metals in Wetland Sediments.'' Peter Jaffé. 10 Guyot.

12:30 p.m. Electrical engineering/computer engineering lecture. ''Challenges in Embedded System Security.'' Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University. B205 Engineering Quadrangle.

4:30 p.m. Humanities/Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures lecture. ''Entangled Edens: Ongoing Visions of the Amazon.'' Candace Slater, University of California- Berkeley. 105 Chancellor Green.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics algebraic geometry seminar. ''Linear Systems of Jacobians and Addition Formulas for Theta Functions.'' Samuel Grushevsky. 322 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Medieval studies lecture. ''Creating the Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Age and Scandinavian Contributions to Old English Studies.'' Robert Bjork, Arizona State University and Institute for Advanced Study. 103 Chancellor Green.

4:30 p.m. Operations research and financial engineering/Bendheim Center for Finance seminar. ''Non- Synchronicity in Asset Prices and Incorrect Rejections of Market Efficiency.'' Jayaram Muthuswamy, University of Sydney. E219 Engineering Quadrangle.

Wednesday, November 3


12:30 p.m. Chapel music afternoon concert. Chapel.

[F] 8 p.m. McCarter Theatre performance. ''1,000 Years of Popular Music.'' Richard Thompson. Matthews Theatre.


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. French and Italian/ African studies/women's studies colloquium. ''Feasting on Words: Cannibalism and the Caribbean Text.'' Maryse Conde, writer. Theater, Murray-Dodge.

Noon. Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials seminar. Anne Mayes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Auditorium, Bowen.

Noon. Molecular biology lecture. ''The Revolution in High Resolution Light Microscopy.'' John Sedat, University of California-San Francisco. 3 Thomas Lab.

2 p.m. Mathematics statistical mechanics seminar. ''Local Density Fluctuations, Hyperuniformity and Order Metrics.'' Salvatore Torquato. 343 Jadwin.

3 p.m. Mathematics geometry, representation theory and Moduli seminar. Thomas Graber, University of California-Berkeley. 214 Fine.

3 p.m. Physics gravity and string theory groups lecture. ''A Status Report on GRTensor.'' Kayll Lake, Queens University-Kingston. A06 Jadwin.

4 p.m. Chemical engineering seminar. ''Oxide-Oxide Interfaces in Heterogeneous Catalysis.'' John Vohs, University of Pennsylvania. A224 Engineering Quadrangle. Social gathering at 3:30 p.m.

4:15 p.m. Industrial relations seminar on labor economics. ''Social Interactions in Unemployment.'' Rafael Lalive, University of Zurich. 200 Fisher.

4:30 p.m. Electrical engineering/computer engineering lecture. ''Using Asynchronous STI to Implement Communication Protocol Controllers in Software.'' Alex Dean, North Carolina State University. B205 Engineering Quadrangle.

4:30 p.m. English/African American studies/Spanish and Portuguese lecture. '''So Your Social Is Real?': Serving the Service Economy.'' Mary Brady, Cornell University. 211 Dickinson. Reception follows, Thorpe Library, 22 McCosh.

4:30 p.m. Slavic languages and literatures/Russian studies reading and discussion. ''Vstrecha s pisatelem.'' Andrei Bitov, writer. 245 East Pyne.

4:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. ''Deficits, Taxes and Social Policy: What Will Happen During the Next Four Years?'' Wendell Primus, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress. 16 Robertson.

6 p.m. School of Architecture lecture. ''Deleuze and the Use of Genetic Algorithms in Architecture.'' Manuel DeLanda. Betts Auditorium, School of Architecture.

Thursday, November 4


Noon. Chapel music Graduate College organ concert. Procter (charge for lunch).

7:30 p.m. Judaic studies/Biderman lecture. ''An Evening With Tony Kushner.'' Tony Kushner, playwright; and Emily Mann. Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.

[F] 8 p.m. McCarter Theatre performance. Balé Folclórico da Bahia. Matthews Theatre.

[F] 8 p.m. University concerts. Hopkinson Smith, lute. Music by John Dowland. Taplin Auditorium, Fine.


Noon. International Center bridging cultures luncheon dialogue. ''Implication of the Election for Policy Making in the United States.'' Brandice Canes-Wrone. East Room, Murray Dodge.

3:30 p.m. Mathematics joint analysis seminar. ''Curvature Propagation in General Relativity: The Yang-Mills Analogy.'' Vincent Moncrief, Yale University. 214 Fine.

4 p.m. Chemistry seminar. ''Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics: Successes, Inconsistencies and Challenges.'' John Tully, Yale University. DuPont Seminar Room, 324 Frick.

4:30 p.m. Classics lecture. ''Seneca Writes Metaphysics'' or ''Translating Ethics in Letter 58.'' Erik Gunderson, Ohio State University. 161 East Pyne.

4:30 p.m. Mathematics topology seminar. ''Deformation Theory of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds.'' Dick Canary, University of Michigan and Wesleyan University. 314 Fine.

4:30 p.m. Physics colloquium. ''Multi-Timescale Models of Memory.'' Laurence Abbott, Brandeis University. A10 Jadwin.

4:30 p.m. Pre-law conference, first of two. Nadine Strossen, New York University and American Civil Liberties Union. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson. For information and reservations, e-mail <lwatrous@princeton.edu>.

4:30 p.m. Woodrow Wilson School lecture. ''The Pentagon's New Map.'' Thomas Barnett, U.S. Naval War College. 16 Robertson.

5 p.m. Humanities/Visual arts illustrated lecture. Toshiko Takaezu, potter, talking about her work. Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.

Friday, November 5


12:30 p.m. Art Museum gallery talk. ''A Literati Painting?: Ike no Taiga's 'Scholars Conversing in the Mountains.''' Xiaojin Wu. Art Museum.

4:30 p.m. Canadian studies/Center for French Studies reading. Nicole Brossard. 209 Humanities Programs Building.

7:30 p.m. International Center film and discussion on Nepal. ''Raktamya Pahad.'' 2 Robertson.


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Graduate School/Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation/McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning graduate research symposium. Whig. For registration, visit <www.princeton.edu/~grs>.

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. History of science conference, first of two days. ''Atomic Sciences.'' 211 Dickinson. For information, visit <www.princeton.edu/~hos>.

10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Italian/French and Italian conference, first of two days. ''The Magic of a Novel: Before 'The Late Mattia Pascal' and After.'' Presidential Dining Room, Prospect. For information, visit <web.princeton.edu/sites/fit/>.

Noon. Psychology lecture. ''Justice and Conflict Resolution: Using Procedural Legitimacy to Facilitate Decision Acceptance.'' Tom Tyler, New York University. 0-S-6 Green.

Noon. Ancient world lecture. ''Barley or Wheat? Food as a Cultural Signifier in Polybius.'' Werner Tietz. 203 Humanities Building.

1:30 to 10:30 p.m. Visual arts/Gardner Magic Project/Knox film conference, first of two days. ''Gloria! The Legacy of Hollis Frampton.'' Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St. For information, visit <www.princeton.edu/~visarts/ conferencemainpage.htm>.

2:30 p.m. Mechanical and aerospace engineering seminar. ''Design Models, Obsevation and Feedback Control in Fluid Flow.'' Gilead Tadmor, Northeastern University. 222 Bowen. Social gathering follows, J223 Engineering Quadrangle.

2:30 to 5 p.m. Latin American studies symposium. ''Legacies of Violence: The Guatemalan Revolution 50 Years After.'' 10 East Pyne. Reception follows.

4 p.m. Philosophy seminar. ''Leibniz on Freedom and Moral Necessity.'' Robert Sleigh, University of Massachusetts. 4 McCosh.

4:30 p.m. Pre-law conference. Nadine Strossen, New York University and American Civil Liberties Union, last of two. Dodds Auditorium, Robertson. For information and reservations, e-mail <lwatrous@princeton.edu>.


4:30 p.m. Men's swimming/Wahoo Scrimmage. DeNunzio Pool.

7 p.m. Field hockey vs. University of Pennsylvania. 1952 Stadium.

7 p.m. Women's ice hockey vs. Dartmouth College. Baker Rink.

7 p.m. Women's volleyball vs. Columbia University. Dillon Gym.

Saturday, November 6


11 a.m. Art Museum talk for children. ''All the Comforts of Home.'' Rebecca Vares-Ebert, docent. Art Museum.

[F] 7:30 p.m. Benefit performance. ''An Evening for Darfur.'' Student performance groups. Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. History of science conference, last of two days. ''Atomic Sciences.'' 211 Dickinson. For information, visit <www.princeton.edu/~hos>.

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tang Center for East Asian Art/art and archaeology/Art Museum symposium, first of two days. ''The Family Model in Chinese Art and Culture.'' Wood Auditorium, McCosh 10. For information and registration, visit <web.princeton.edu/sites/ TangCenter/familymodel/index.html>.

[G] 10 a.m. Alumni Council lecture. ''Mapping a Sea of Fire: Moby Dick and the History of Science.'' D. Graham Burnett. 101 McCormick.

10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Italian/French and Italian conference, last of two days. ''The Magic of a Novel: Before 'The Late Mattia Pascal' and After.'' Presidential Dining Room, Prospect. For information, visit <web.princeton.edu/sites/fit/>.

1:30 to 10:30 p.m. Visual arts/Gardner Magic Project/Knox film conference, last of two days. ''Gloria! The Legacy of Hollis Frampton.'' Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St. For information, visit <www.princeton.edu/~visarts/ conferencemainpage.htm>.


[F] 1 p.m. Football vs. University of Pennsylvania. Princeton Stadium.

4 p.m. Women's volleyball vs. Cornell University. Dillon Gym.

4 p.m. Men's soccer vs. University of Pennsylvania. Lourie-Love Field.

4 p.m. Women's ice hockey vs. University of Vermont. Baker Rink.

7 p.m. Women's soccer vs. University of Pennsylvania. Lourie-Love Field.

Sunday, November 7


3 p.m. Art Museum gallery talk. ''A Literati Painting?: Ike no Taiga's 'Scholars Conversing in the Mountains.''' Xiaojin Wu. Art Museum.

[F] 4 p.m. Princeton Symphony Orchestra, Mark Laycock, director. Richardson Auditorium, Alexander.


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tang Center for East Asian Art/art and archaeology/Art Museum symposium, last of two days. ''The Family Model in Chinese Art and Culture.'' Wood Auditorium, McCosh 10. For information and registration, visit <web.princeton.edu/sites/TangCenter/familymodel/index.html>.


11 a.m. Chapel Service of Holy Communion. Thomas Breidenthal. Chapel.


Alcoholics Anonymous

12:15 p.m. Mondays. West Room, Murray-Dodge. Membership not required to attend.

Art for Kids

10 a.m. to noon. Saturdays through Dec. 11. Hands-on art projects. Art Museum.

Prospect House

[FG] 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays through December. Afternoon high tea. Parlor Room.

[FG] 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays through December. Faculty and staff social hour. Library.


Art Museum

Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays and major holidays. Public tours, Saturdays, 2 p.m.

''Bringing Into Being: Materials and Techniques in American Prints.'' Through Jan. 23.

''Contemporary Photographs From the Museum Collection.'' Nov. 6 through Jan 9.

''Songs, Psalms and Praises: An 18th-Century Ethiopian Manuscript.'' Through June 5.

''West to Wesselmann: American Drawings and Watercolors in the Princeton University Art Museum.'' Through Jan. 9.

Firestone Library

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m.

Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library

Olden Street. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Lobby: ''Testing Boundaries: Cartoon Visions of Roosevelt's Third Term.'' Through Jan. 31.

Et cetera

Art Museum

Hours: 258-3788. <www.princetonartmuseum.org>.

Athletic Ticket Office

Tickets and information: 258-3538.

Dillon Gymnasium

Hours: 258-4466.

Employee Assistance Program

G07 McCosh Health Center. Information and appointments: 258-1875, Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Employee Health

G6B McCosh Health Center. Appointments: 258-5035, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. After-hours emergencies: 258-3134.

Employment Opportunities

Employment Hotline: 258-6130. <jobs.princeton.edu/openjobs>.

Frist Campus Center

Welcome Desk: 258-1766. <fristqna@princeton.edu>. University Ticketing: <www.princeton.edu/utickets/>


Hours: 258-3181. <libweb.princeton.edu>.

McCarter Theatre Box Office

Reservations: 258-2787, Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. <www.mccarter.org>.

Orange Key Guide Service

Frist Campus Center Welcome Desk. Tours Monday-Saturday at 10 and 11 a.m., 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; Sunday at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Information and tours: 258-1766.

Prospect Association

Reservations: 258-3686.

Richardson Auditorium

Reservations: 258-5000, Monday-Friday, noon to 6 p.m.; and two hours before events requiring tickets. <www.princeton.edu/richaud>.

Theater and Dance

Reservations: 258-3676. <www.princeton.edu/~visarts/the.html>.

Theatre Intime

Reservations: 258-4950. <www.theatre-intime.org>.

Tiger Sportsline

Current sports highlights and upcoming athletic events: 258-3545.
