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Martin Krzywicki


Name: Martin Krzywicki.

Position: Public safety officer. Receiving and dispatching calls to his office. Performing field duties such as investigating complaints. Assisting the chief investigator.

Quote: ''Nothing's the same day to day. Plus you get the chance to help a lot of people, and helping people is what I do best and enjoy the most.''

Other interests: Assisting neighbors and friends with chores and odd jobs free of charge.

Staff obituaries

Current employees

June: David Messineo, 45 (2000-2004, religious life); Jorge Torres, 53 (2000-2004, roofer/tinner shop).

July: Pauline Boeckel, 67 (1956-2004, registrar's office).

Retired employees

June: Olindo Carnevale, 92 (1932-1975, dining services); Michele Ciallella, 85 (1957-1984, building services); Joseph Roissier, 78 (1978-1990, systems and networking).

July: Clinton Bischoff, 85 (1966-1981, engineering and construction); Grace Claycombe, 77 (1969-1996, Firestone Library); Nanette Nash, 74 (1977-1992, Woodrow Wilson School).


David Messineo

Memorial service planned for Messineo

A memorial service for David Messineo, a gifted musician who was principal University organist at Princeton, is planned for 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 11, at the University Chapel.

Messineo, who died June 11, had been a Princeton staff member since 2000. An obituary is available online at <news release>.
