N A S S A U   N O T E S

Student exhibition

  Pot-Bellied Pigs, a photograph by Alex Halderman

"Pot-Bellied Pigs," a photograph by Alex Halderman, will be among the work from fall 2003 visual arts classes on display Feb. 3-19 in an exhibition in the galleries at 185 Nassau St. Halderman, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in computer science, was enrolled in an intermediate photography class with professor Emmet Gowin last fall. He has served as a staff photographer and photo editor for The Daily Princetonian. An opening reception is planned for 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Alumna to speak on AIDS crisis

A lecture on "The Mother of All Missed Opportunities: Human Rights and the Global HIV/AIDS Crisis" will be presented at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 4, in 2 Robertson Hall.
    Speaking will be Joanne Csete, a 1977 Princeton graduate who is director of the HIV/AIDS and Human Rights Program at Human Rights Watch. She oversees a program of research and advocacy related to human rights abuses linked to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Previously chief of policy and programs in the regional office of UNICEF in Nairobi, she worked in Africa for about 10 years on public health and nutrition programs.
    In December, Human Rights Watch issued a 40-page report compiled by Csete titled "Policy Paralysis: A Call for Action on HIV/AIDS-Related Human Rights Abuses Against Women and Girls in Africa." The report documents human rights abuses that women and girls suffer at each stage of their lives and that increase their risk for HIV infection. Human Rights Watch makes detailed recommendations to African governments, the United Nations and donors -- including the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria -- to take immediate action to address gender-based violence and discrimination.
    The lecture is being sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Liechten-stein Institute on Self-Determination, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies and Princeton AIDS Initiative.

Senior filmmaker's work shown

Homecoming," a documentary by Princeton senior "Frankie" Tze Wei Ng, will be shown at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, in the Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau St.
    The film, Ng's first feature-length production, is a tender portrait of the filmmaker's grandmother, a tenacious immigrant who traversed Asia before making her home in Singapore. Ng, an economics major from Singapore who also has a passion for the arts, is the first person in his immediate family to study overseas. His film tells the story of the love that rekindles between his grandmother and him as he grapples with his own desire to immigrate upon returning from his studies abroad to a home and family he finds foreign.
    Ng's video productions run the gamut from narratives set in Singapore to abstract visual poems that animate the inanimate. His latest work-in-progress, "The Illness Narratives," is a collaboratively written piece on which campus actors and writers are working.
    The Feb. 5 screening is being sponsored by the Department of Theater and Dance and the International Center.

Course offered on ethics of reading

Do bad books produce bad behavior? Princeton faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends are invited to explore this and other questions concerning the ethics of reading during a 12-week course offered this spring by the Princeton Alumni Association.
    Lee Mitchell, the Holmes Professor of Belles-Lettres in the Department of English, will lead the course, titled "Reading Ethically, Reading Aesthetically."
    According to Mitchell, the course will attempt to show how any committed assessment of fiction's aesthetic qualities entails a series of ethical deliberations. "In short, great art can never be ethically neutral," he said.
    Using a variety of texts, novels, poems, films and photographs, the class will explore a series of questions about the intersection of ethics and aesthetics. They include: Can racism or sexual explicitness or violent imagery ever be justified in aesthetic terms? Does watching certain images or sharing a narrator's perspective induce unethical behavior in the viewer or reader? Must one be black or female or gay or Jewish to write authentically of those experiences?
    Guest lecturers will include Princeton faculty members John Fleming, P. Adams Sitney, Maria DiBattista and Michael Wood.
    Each household that enrolls in this home study course will receive a course booklet, readings, lectures on videotape and access to an e-mail discussion group. Those who wish to pursue their studies further can attend optional lectures and precepts on campus for an additional fee.
    Participants may sign up at any time during the spring semester. The e-mail discussion group began on Feb. 1. The cost is $100 per household. For more information or to register, contact Christine Hollendonner in the Alumni Council office at 258-0014 or <chollen@princeton.edu>.

Events planned for Black History Month

Numerous events are being planned at the University in February to celebrate Black History Month.
    The Black History Month Planning Committee is compiling a calendar of activities that will be posted on the Web at <www.princeton.edu/~bhm>.

Highlights include:

· The annual Black History Month dinner and awards ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 13, at the Fields Center. Reservations are required for this event acknowledging members of the University community for outstanding service. Those interested should e-mail <bhm@princeton.edu> by noon Monday, Feb. 9.
    · The Pin Points Theater Company of Washington, D.C., will perform the award-winning play, "The Meeting," at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, in the Forbes Blackbox Theater. Playwright Jeff Stetson hypothesizes what would have happened if Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. had met before they were assassinated just three years apart.
    · Children and adults will have an opportunity to make crafts, play games and enjoy music and dance of the Caribbean at an event, "The Caribbean Influence," from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, at the Fields Center.
    For more information, contact Makeba Clay, director of the Fields Center, at <mclay@princeton.edu>.


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