Nominations sought for President's Achievement Award through Feb. 18


Princeton NJ -- Nominations for the prestigious President's Achievement Award are being accepted by the selection com-mittee through Wednesday, Feb. 18.

The President's Achievement Award recognizes members of the support and administrative staff with seven or more years of Princeton University service whose dedication and special efforts have contributed significantly to the success of their departments and the University.

Four awards are made annually to biweekly A and B staff and administrative and related staff in grades 1-6. A fifth award will be made to a member of the administrative and related staff in grades 7-8.

Successful nominees will receive a cash award of $2,000 and a certificate and will be recognized at the Service Recognition Luncheon on April 15.

Individuals who are nominated should demonstrate a consistent and sustained commitment to excellence in carrying out the responsibilities of their positions. Nominees should exhibit exemplary performance in the following areas:

• Support to students, faculty, staff and the community;

• Teamwork and collaboration; and

• Innovation and creativity in support of department and University goals.

This year a change has been made to the nomination process. The nominator will now submit a single document that incorporates feedback and endorsements from others, rather than separate letters from each nominator.

The selection committee encourages staff members to suggest possible nominations for the award to their supervisor. Associates who work with the nominee should include examples of the nominee going above and beyond in service to the University. The selection committee encourages departments to suggest nominees from other departments when they have experienced the dedication and special efforts of an employee outside their work group.

A list of selection committee members, excerpts from last year's winning entries, a list of past winners and other information about the President's Achievement Award is located on the Web at <>.

Managers should make written recommendations to their vice president or dean, who after review will present a single document to the selection committee that incorporates feedback and endorsements from others. The letter should not exceed three pages. All endorsements must include specific examples of the individual's accomplishments and contributions.


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