B Y   T H E    N U M B E R S

Princeton's dining halls

  pizza fresh from the oven

Princeton's dining halls, cafeterias and cafes offer a wide variety of delicious baked goods to students on a study break or employees on their lunch hour. During the last school year, the University served up the following:

• More than 224,000 cookies, which included chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter and macadamia nut.

• More than 14,000 cupcakes.

• More than 28,000 croissants.

• Close to 65,000 pounds of pizza dough.

And alumni attending Reunions consumed:

• More than 39,000 cookies.

• More than 4,000 muffins.

• More than 440 cakes.

Source: Princeton University Bake Shop


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