T O W N   &   G O W N

Community Auditing Program shares academic riches with area residents

Princeton NJ -- Area residents can take advantage of the rich academic resources available in their own backyard through the University's Community Auditing Program.

The University allows individuals who register -- on a non-credit basis -- to attend lectures that are part of the regular course offerings for undergraduate students. In addition, auditors receive course handouts and participate in special receptions and programs. No seminars, precepts, graduate-level classes, labs or class discussions (that are part of the undergraduate experience) are available to registered auditors.

It is no longer possible to register for fall classes, but those interested in attending classes in the spring semester should save these dates:

Monday, Dec. 29 -- Community Auditing Program lecture list posted online at <web.princeton.edu/sites/pucsa/auditing.htm>

Monday, Jan. 5 -- Registration for Princeton Borough and Township residents and all University-affiliated individuals (alumni, staff, retired staff) from 8 a.m. to noon in Alexander Hall.

Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 6-7 -- Registration for the general public from 8 a.m. to noon in Alexander Hall.

The spring semester auditing fee per course is $100 to cover administrative costs and course materials. Special accommodations regarding the fee will be made in cases of financial hardship.

Although no certification is given upon completion of a Community Auditing Program course, New Jersey teachers who audit classes will receive special documentation for the purposes of satisfying their professional development requirements.

The Community Auditing Program should not be confused with the Program in Continuing Education, which entitles an individual to all privileges given to a fully enrolled student at a cost of $3,570 per class. The Office of Community and State Affairs administers both programs for University and non-University constituents.

For more information, call 258-0202; visit the office at 22 Chambers St., Suite 101, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday; or check the Web site: <web.princeton. edu/sites/pucsa/auditing.htm>.


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