Four professors join tenured faculty
At the November 20 board meeting, the trustees approved
the appointment of four new full professors to the
Carol Armstrong to the Doris Stevens Professorship in
Women's Studies, Roland Benabou to the Economics Department
and the Woodrow Wilson School, and Nigel Smith to the
English Department, as of September 1; and Susan Fiske to
the Psychology Department, starting July 1, 2000.
Armstrong's area of expertise is 19th-century painting
and photography. A 1977 graduate of the University of
California, Berkeley, with 1980 MFA and 1986 PhD degrees
from Princeton, Armstrong was on the faculty at Berkeley for
eight years, first as assistant professor and then as
associate professor. In 1992 she went to the City University
of New York Graduate Center as associate professor and was
promoted to full professor in 1998.
Among her publications are two books, Odd Man Out:
Readings of the Work and Reputation of Edgar Degas
(1991), which won the College Art Association's Morey Award,
and Scenes in a Library: Reading the Photograph in the
Book, 1843-1875 (1998), as well as articles and
exhibition reviews. In progress is Manet/Manette: The
Difference of Painting, to be published by Yale
University Press in 2000.
Armstrong's research has been supported by a Guggenheim
Fellowship and a President's Research Fellowship in the
Humanities, among other awards.
Benabou, whose field is applied economic theory, has
written articles on income distribution, inequality and
growth, market manipulation, and price setting.
Having obtained the degree of ingénieur at
the Ecole Polytechnique in 1980 and at the Ecole Nationale
des Ponts et Chaussées in 1982, Benabou earned his
PhD in 1986 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After
two years as chargé de recherches at the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique at CEPREMAP in
France, he joined the faculty at MIT in 1988 as assistant
professor. Promoted to associate in 1992, he moved to New
York University in 1994 and was named professor there in
Benabou is associate editor of the Quarterly Journal
of Economics, Journal of Economic Growth and
Macroeconomic Dynamics and foreign editor of the
Review of Economic Studies. A fellow of the
Econometric Society, he is an associate of the Institute for
Research on Poverty. He has received research grants from
the National Science Foundation.
Fiske, an expert on social cognition, earned her 1973 BA
at Radcliffe and her 1978 PhD at Harvard. On the faculty of
Carnegie Mellon University for seven years, first as
assistant and then as associate professor, in 1986 she went
the University of Massachusetts, Amherst as associate
professor. She was promoted to full professor there in 1988
and named Distinguished University Professor in 1992.
Coauthor of Social Cognition (with S.E. Taylor,
1984 and 1991), she is coauthor of more than 100 articles on
such topics as social identity and social cognition;
stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination; and affirmative
action in theory and implementation. She has served as an
expert witness on sex discrimination and age discrimination
in several trials.
About to begin a five-year term as editor of the
Annual Review of Psychology, Fiske is currently
associate editor of Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace
Smith, whose specialty is 17th-century English
literature, is a 1980 graduate of the University of Hull in
England, with a 1981 MA from McGill University. He earned
his PhD in 1985 at Oxford, where he was a lecturer from 1986
to 1996 at Queen's College, and fellow and tutor at Keble
College starting in 1986. In 1991 he was named University
lecturer and in 1996, reader.
Smith's publications include monographs entitled
Literature and Revolution in England, 1649-1660
(1994) and Perfection Proclaimed: Language and Literature
in English Radical Religion, 1640-1660 (1989), as well
as editions of The Journal of George Fox (1998) and
A Collection of Ranter Writings from the Seventeenth
Century (1983). He is currently working on A
Radical's Books: The Library Catalogue of Samuel Jeake of
Rye, as well as a new edition of the poetical works of
Andrew Marvell.
Projects for the future, he says, include editions of
John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, Izaak Walton's
The Complete Angler and an anthology of 17th century
religious writings for Penguin Books.