Weekly Bulletin
December 6, 1999
Vol. 89, No. 11
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Page one news and features
Physics for all mind-sets
Campaign reaches goal; important needs remain
Miss New Jersey

Four professors join tenured faculty
Trustees appoint 14 assistant professors
Honored: William Lockwood, McCarter Theatre's special programming director
Color of Success: Third World Center welcomed Afeni Shakur
Obituaries of retired employees

Nassau Notes
Holiday volunteers opportunities


Campaign reaches goal; important needs remain

Princeton's 250th Anniversary Campaign has reached its goal -- but it's not over.

Though the University passed the $900 million mark nearly eight months before its target date of June 30, 2000, there are still several projects that have not been fully funded, according to Van Zandt Williams, vice president for development.

Four areas in particular have not yet met their goals. The most important, Williams said, is this year's Annual Giving campaign, which still has $27 million to go to reach its $35 million goal. Another is the University's on-going effort to improve its financial package, which requires another $32 million. The Presidential Teaching Initiatives still need $22 million to fully fund their projects. And there are many new buildings in the Campaign where not all the necessary funds have been raised.

"We are extremely grateful to all those who have helped bring us to this point," said Williams. "Now we will redouble our efforts to ensure that each of these critical initiatives has the funding it needs."

The campaign, which began in 1995 in conjunction with the Univer-sity's 250th anniversary, has achieved a participation rate of over 75 percent among undergraduate alumni.

