Weekly Bulletin
October 4, 1999
Vol. 89, No. 4
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Geowulf: Is this the future?
Exhibit celebrates Hemingway's art
Water crisis countdown
Snakes to fungus: tips for daily life
International experience
Nassau Notes

Deadlines. All news, photos and calendar entries for the Bulletin that covers October 18 through 24 must be received in the Communications office no later than Friday, October 8.

The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Communications Office. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.

Subscriptions. Anyone can subscribe to the Bulletin. A subscription for the academic year 1999-2000 is $24 (half price if you're over 65 or are a Princeton parent). Make check payable to Princeton University and mail it to PWB, Communications, Stanhope Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544. All members of the faculty, staff and student body receive the Bulletin without charge.

Sally Freedman
Associate editor:
   Caroline Moseley
Calendar and
production editor:
Carolyn Geller
Contributing writers:
   Justin Harmon,
   Ken Howard,
   Steven Schultz
   Denise Applewhite
Web edition:
Mahlon Lovett




Geowulf: Is this the future?

Supercomputer built of Pentium PCs tackles problems of plate tectonics
On May 17 a delivery truck pulled up in front of Guyot Hall, and Hans-Peter Bunge's project to build a supercomputer was underway.
    Bunge, assistant professor of geosciences, and several graduate students and undergraduates gathered around to help unload the cargo: 70 ordinary Pentium PCs. It was a Friday, and the group worked through the day hauling the computers to the third floor of Guyot where they arranged them in neat rows on gray metal shelving units. [>>more]


Exhibit celebrates Hemingway's art

A centennial exhibit on Ernest Hemingway, "'one true sentence': Hemingway and the Art of Fiction," opens October 4 in the Main Exhibition Gallery of Firestone Library.
    "The exhibition focuses on the Nobel Prize-winning author's fiction and his thoughts on the art of writing -- not the hunting, fishing, bullfighting and war reporting exploits that often claimed the headlines," notes curator John Delaney, who is leader of the Library's Rare Books and Manuscripts cataloging team. [>>more]


Snakes to fungus:
tips for daily life

Translation provides access to encyclopedia of Babylonian omens that was lost for centuries
If a city is set on a height, living in that city will not be good."
    So they believed in ancient Mesopotamia. That line is the first in a huge collection of omens compiled by Babylonians and Assyrians living in the area now known as Iraq, between approximately 1800 and 600 BC. [>>more]

Water crisis countdown

When Hurricane Floyd passed through on September 16, he left behind a considerable amount of water, but not much of it could be drunk. [>>more]



Jacobus winners

Xiaohui Fan (l) of Astrophysical Sciences and Jay Ladin of English shared this year's Porter Ogden Jacobus Honorific Fellowship, which is awarded annually by the Graduate School to "students in their final year of enrollment who have demonstrated the highest scholarly excellence in their graduate work at Princeton." (Photo by Denise Applewhite)


Summer funds

APGA President Todd Mitty *93 (l), past president Anthony Lutkus *74 and vice president Robert Schaffhauser *64 announced the APGA's pledge of $100,000 to the Graduate School's Fund for the Centennial at a luncheon on September 18 in the 1956 Room at the stadium. The donation, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Graduate School, will provide endowment to support summer travel and research by graduate students. (Photo by Sally Davidson)


Plasma camp

Sophia Gershman, who teaches at Watchung Hills Regional High School in Warren, used a microwave interferometer as part of her studies at the Plasma Physics Lab in July. She was one of 14 nationally selected high school physics teachers who participated in the Plasma Science and Fusion Energy Institute run by the lab's Science Education Program. Informally known as "plasma camp," the institute is an intensive two-week program of lectures, lab work and curriculum design intended to help develop materials for introductory physics teaching. (Photo by Elle Starkman)


Field hockey. The Tigers defeated Dartmouth 3-1 on September 25 for their 34th consecutive Ivy League win. (3-1, 2-0 Ivy)
Football. Princeton lost to Lehigh 31-0 on September 25. (0-2, 0-1 Ivy)
Soccer. The men beat Rider 1-0 and the women beat Rutgers 2-1 on September 22, and both the men's and women's teams defeated Dartmouth 2-1 on September 26. (Men: 3-1, 2-0 Ivy; women: 3-2, 2-0 Ivy)
Volleyball (women). The team won against St. Peter's on September 22 and Sacred Heart and Syracuse on September 24; on September 25 they beat West Virginia but lost to Syracuse.
Water polo (men). The team defeated Salem-Teikyo 26-10, Bucknell 14-13 and Slippery Rock 14-3 on September 25 and 26. (8-1, 5-0 CWPA)



Robert Hollander, professor of European literature, comparative literature, and Romance languages and literatures, has received the International Nicola Zingarelli Prize for Dantean Philology and Criticism. The award reflects work done between 1992 and 1998; during this period Hollander published Dante's Epistle to Cangrande (1993) and The Shaping Force of Satire (1997), as well as some 20 articles devoted to Dante.
• The American Physical Society's division of Fluid Dynamics has named Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Sandra Troian cowinner of the 1999 Frenkiel Award, with Anne Dussaud, former Princeton postdoctoral associate, now research associate at the Levich Institute at CCNY. This award recognizes significant contributions to the field of fluid mechanics by young investigators on the basis of publications in the Physics of Fluids during the preceding year.
