Princeton University

Princeton Weekly Bulletin   April 23, 2007, Vol. 96, No. 24   prev   next   current

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  • The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Office of Communications. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Office of Communications, Princeton University, 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton, NJ 08542. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.
  • Subscriptions. The Bulletin is distributed free to faculty, staff and students. Others may subscribe to the Bulletin for $30 for the 2006-07 academic year (half price for current Princeton parents and people over 65). Send a check to Office of Communications, Princeton University, 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton, NJ 08542.
  • Deadlines. In general, the copy deadline for each issue is the Friday 10 days in advance of the Monday cover date. The deadline for the Bulletin that covers May 7-20 is Friday, April 27. A complete publication schedule is available at pr/ pwb/ deadlines.html; or by calling (609) 258-3601.
  • Editor: Ruth Stevens

    Calendar editor: Shani Hilton

    Staff writers: Jennifer Greenstein Altmann, Eric Quiñones

    Contributing writers: Emily Aronson, Karin Dienst, Hilary Parker, Ushma Patel, Teresa Riordan

    Photographers: Denise Applewhite, John Jameson

    Design: Maggie Westergaard

    Web edition: Mahlon Lovett

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Katherine Stanton (photo: Denise Applewhite)


Name: Katherine Stanton.

Position: Assistant director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning. Responsible for developing and implementing the pedagogy programs for graduate students. Consulting with students individually on their teaching. Coordinating a new program that trains students to observe and offer comments on their peers’ teaching.

Quote: “I came to the McGraw Center because it regards teaching as a form of scholarship, and because I get to work with incredibly smart and thoughtful graduate students. I really admire the University’s commitment to the development of a new generation of teachers.”

Other interests: Teaching in the Program in Freshman Seminars. Doing yoga. Visiting wineries in California with her husband, John.

Staff retirements

Effective April 1: in athletics, facility crewperson David Cruser, after 42 years; in annual giving, office support staff member Catharine Kasziba, after 10 years.

Effective May 1: in building services, janitor Louis Kagel Jr., after 15 years.

Staff obituaries

Retired employees

January: Johnny Parks, 69 (1965-2004, grounds shop).

February: Mary Clark, 91 (1966-1977, library); Burton Davis, 99 (1960-1973, plasma physics lab).

March: Yolanda Courtney, 76 (1973-1995, mathematics); Henry Dymowski, 80 (1953-1989, plasma physics lab); Connie Green, 70 (1973-1999, library); Thomas Holzmann, 81 (1968-1996, library); Domenico Lubrano, 66 (1969-2002, building services).


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