
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   April 3, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 21   search   prev   next

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Page One
White shares skill with words in new book and in the classroom
Robertson Q&A available online
Fun side of science draws local students

Five seniors win Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Designers chosen to give dining halls distinctive look
Exhibition celebrates 100th anniversary of Lake Carnegie

Griffin selected as University’s new registrar
Denis Twitchett, historian of China, dies at age 80

Nassau Notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



PU shield

Photo of: fire extinguisher-powered car

Photo of: demonstration using polymer gels

(photos by John Jameson)


Fun side of science draws local students

Princeton NJ — More than 900 junior high school students converged on the campus March 21 for the 2006 Science and Engineering Exposition.

Some 70 faculty members, staff scientists and students from a dozen academic departments and programs staged demonstrations and offered hands-on experiences showing the fun and dramatic sides of modern science.

At right, above: Physicist Suzanne Staggs sent an adult chaperone zooming across the stage in a fire extinguisher-powered car.

At right, below: Chemical engineer Richard Register turned over a glass that contained water to convey the large swelling capabilities of polymer gels.