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Robert Keohane wins Skytte Prize

Princeton NJ -- Robert O. Keohane, an influential political scientist who recently joined the Princeton faculty, has been named the recipient of the prestigious Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science for 2005.

Keohane was recognized “for his significant contribution to our understanding of world politics in an era of interdependence, globalization and terrorism,” according to an announcement from the Skytte Foundation at Uppsala University in Sweden. Keohane will be presented with the award, which carries a prize of approximately $50,000, at an Oct. 1 ceremony in Uppsala.

“We at the Woodrow Wilson School are thrilled to learn that Bob Keohane, the pre-eminent international relations scholar of his generation, is the recipient of one of the greatest prizes in the field of political science,” said Anne-Marie Slaughter, dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. “This is a crowning achievement in Bob’s remarkable career as a scholar and teacher.”

Keohane, who is currently spending this year as a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, Calif., joined the Princeton faculty in February as a professor of international affairs. He will begin teaching at the Woodrow Wilson School in the fall with the undergraduate course “International Institutions and International Law.”

Keohane most recently taught at Duke University, where he was the James B. Duke Professor of Political Science. He also has taught at Swarthmore College and Stanford, Brandeis and Harvard universities.
