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Photo of: Sharon Torres



Name: Sharon Torres.

Position: University scheduling manager in University Services. Coordinating scheduling of campus spaces for events held by student organizations and academic and administrative departments. Providing assistance and direction on event planning. Managing events held at the Andlinger Center for the Humanities.

Quote: “There are so many interesting events on campus, and it’s a great experience to be involved with them. I attended an anthropology lecture that I really enjoyed. It exposed me to ideas I hadn’t explored before.”

Other interests: Seeing modern art. Attending plays and concerts. Exploring New York City and Philadelphia.


Princeton professor L. Carl Brown has been named the winner of the 2005 Arkansas Arabic Translation Award by the University of Arkansas Press and the university’s King Fahd Center of Middle East and Islamic Studies.

Brown, the Garrett Professor in Foreign Affairs Emeritus at Princeton, was honored for his translation of “Consult Them in the Matter: A 19th-Century Islamic Argument for Constitutional Government” by the Tunisian historian Ahmad ibn Abi Diyaf. The work is considered a pioneering text in modern Arab and Islamic political philosophy.

The prize, established to support and to publish fine translations of important Arabic writing, awards $5,000 to the translator and $5,000 to the original author or estate. The University of Arkansas Press publishes the award-winning translation.

Brown is the author of numerous books and articles, among them, “The Surest Path: The Political Treatise of a 19th-Century Muslim Statesman” (1967), “The Tunisia of Ahmad Bey” (1975), “International Politics in the Middle East: Old Rules, Dangerous Game” (1984) and “Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics” (2000). A longtime chair of Princeton’s Department of Near Eastern Studies, he has trained many leading scholars in Middle East studies.

A book by Theodore Ziolkowski, the Class of 1900 Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages, has won an award from the International Conference on Romanticism.

The book, “Clio the Romantic Muse” (Cornell University Press, 2004), has received the Jean-Pierre Barricelli Prize as “the best book in Romanticism studies for 2004.”

Ziolkowski is an authority on German and European literature from Romanticism to the present. A former president of the Modern Language Association, he served as dean of the Graduate School for 13 years. He joined Princeton’s German department in 1964 and transferred to emeritus status in 2001.

Robert Calderbank and Stuart Hunter have been elected to membership in the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest distinctions among engineers.

Calderbank and Hunter were among 74 engineers elected to the academy for “outstanding contributions to engineering research, practice or education.” They join 17 other Princeton engineers who are members of the academy

Calderbank, a professor of electrical engineering, mathematics and applied and computational mathematics, was cited for “leadership in communications research, from advances in algebraic coding theory to signal processing for wire-line and wireless modems.” Calderbank came to Princeton in 2004 after 23 years at AT&T Labs, most recently as vice president for research and Internet and network systems.

The academy cited Hunter, who is a professor emeritus of civil engineering, for “the development and application of statistical methods for efficiently designed experiments and data interpretation.” Hunter joined the Princeton faculty in 1961 and transferred to emeritus status in 1982.

The American Mathematical Society has awarded its 2005 Stefan Bergman Prize to Princeton mathematician Elias Stein.

The award recognizes Stein for “decisive contributions through his research, his expository efforts and his training of graduate students.” In particular, the society noted Stein’s work in the area of mathematics including “real, complex and harmonic analysis.” The honor includes a prize of about $17,000.

Known as an exceptional writer and teacher as well as a leading researcher, Stein previously won the Wolf Prize, which is one of the highest awards in mathematics, as well as the National Medal of Science and the American Mathematical Society’s Steele Prize for Exposition and Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. In 2001, the University awarded Stein its President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching.

Stein was born in Belgium and received his bachelor’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Chicago, where he taught until coming to Princeton in 1963.
