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By the numbers

Language Resource Center

Princeton NJ -- When the Language Resource Center relocated to the basement of East Pyne last fall (see story on page 1), it added state-of-the-art computers and audiovisual equipment to the facility and expanded the services it offers. Students, faculty and staff use the center's numerous tools for language study and get access to DVDs and videos through the center.

The center has:

• 1,600 audio files online

• 3,100 videos

• 860 DVDs

• Interactive CD-ROMs in 67 languages for beginners

• Word processing for the 17 languages taught at Princeton, which are Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Farsi (Persian), French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili and Turkish.

One new service the center offers is video on demand, which allows students to view a film at the center or from a computer in an OIT cluster. During the fall semester:

• 90 courses are using video on demand

• 340 films have been assigned to students

• An average of 94 students a day have used video on demand to view a film.
