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Irwin Tillman


Name: Irwin Tillman.

Position: Network specialist at the Office of Information Technology. Monitoring the campus computer network to look for problems and correct them. Maintaining software-based services on the network. Looking for trends in campus computer usage and planning for growth.

Quote: "There's something new here nearly every day -- some change in the technology or some new service we've been asked to offer. I like those challenges."

Other interests: Playing the cymbals in the Alumni P-rade with the Princeton University Band, which he has done for the last 20 years since he was a Princeton undergraduate.




Harold James, professor of history, has received the first Helmut Schmidt Prize in Economic History. The prize, awarded by the German Historical Institute, pays tribute to former German Chancellor Schmidt for his part in revamping the framework of transatlantic economic cooperation.
     James, a Princeton faculty member since 1986, is the author of 11 books and numerous essays on German history and international economic and financial history. His works include "International Monetary Cooperation Since Bretton Woods" (1996) and "The End of Globalization: Lessons from the Great Depression" (2001).
     The prize was awarded May 20 during the Second German American Executive Summit in Washington, D.C.

Larry Bartels, the Donald Stokes Professor in Public and International Affairs, has been selected as one of 15 Carnegie Scholars by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
     Each 2004 scholar, chosen in a highly competitive process, will receive up to $100,000 for up to two years to pursue research advancing the strategic work of the corporation. The scholars join 52 others awarded fellowships since 2000.
     Bartels' research project is titled "Promoting Public Understanding of the American Electoral Process." Through op-ed pieces, a major conference and a nontechnical book on the 2004 electoral process, he plans to highlight how American elections actually work, and how election outcomes shape the lives of ordinary citizens.

Jonathan Menard, a scientist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, received a Presidential Early Career Award at a White House ceremony May 4.
     Menard was among 57 researchers to receive the award, which is the nation's highest honor for scientists and engineers at the outset of their independent research careers.
     In addition to a citation and plaque, the recipients received a commitment from their sponsoring federal agency for continued funding for five years. Menard was among seven researchers sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, which funds the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Menard also was one of five researchers to win the Early Career Scientist and Engineer Award from the Department of Energy.
     Menard received a Ph.D. in plasma physics from Princeton in 1998. He conducted postdoctoral research at the PPPL before joining the research staff in 1999.

Sandra Troian, professor of chemical engineering, has been named a 2004 Moore Distinguished Scholar by the California Institute of Technology.
     The program, named for Intel co-founder Gorden Moore, allows scholars to reside at Caltech for a period up to one year and have no formal duties other than scholarly pursuits and interaction with the faculty. Troian hopes to devote her time to the study of fundamental problems involving the stability of microscale flows and to develop hybrid technologies combining recent advances in microelectronics with microfluidic systems.
     At Princeton since 1993, Troian also is director of the Microfluidics Research and Engineering Laboratory in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

