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Digital arts exhibition

  Atelier program digital arts exhibition

Atelier program digital arts exhibition -- (from left) Nancy Manter and sophomore Elizabeth Looke-Stewart, junior Jason Brooks and graduate student Michael McKay, whose work is being shown.

The Atelier program, which brings guest artists from various media to campus for collaborative courses with Princeton faculty and students, will present a digital arts exhibition on Tuesday, May 4. "Against the Wall: The Question of Landscape in the 21st Century" will open with a reception at 4:30 p.m. in the 100-level lounge of the Frist Campus Center. Painter Nancy Manter and film director Ben Shedd have collaborated with students on the exhibition that features work projected on the digital display wall in Frist.

New book to be symposium subject

Professor of Sociology Paul Starr will participate in a symposium on his new book, "The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications," at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 6, in 1 Robertson Hall.

Other speakers will include: Nicholas Lemann, dean of the School of Journalism at Columbia University; Eli Noam, professor of economics and finance at the Columbia Business School; Annabel Patterson, the Sterling Professor of English at Yale University; and Michael Schudson, professor of communications at the University of California-San Diego.

The event is sponsored by the Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

Senior thesis project staged May 5

The Double Life of Zefirino," an original theater piece that is part opera and part dance performance, will be performed at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 5, in Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall.

The star and co-author of "Zefirino" is Anthony Roth Costanzo, who created the show as his senior thesis project. Costanzo will sing six 18th-century arias while wearing an extravagant baroque costume designed by acclaimed film director James Ivory. Two professional dancers, who will complete the cast, will be directed by Karole Armitage, a well-known choreographer. Thirty members of the University Orchestra will perform onstage with musical direction from Michael Pratt, the orchestra's conductor.

Tickets are available through the Richardson box office. For more information, call 258-5000.


My Fair Lady


McCarter Theatre Center

The McCarter Theatre Center will present a revival of the 1956 Lerner and Loewe classic, "My Fair Lady," from Tuesday, May 4, through Sunday, June 27, at the Berlind Theatre. The production is directed by Gary Griffin and stars Kate Fry as Eliza Doolittle. For times and ticket information, call 258-2787 or visit <www.mccarter.org>.

Panelists to look at civil liberties

A panel discussion on "Freedom in a Time of Fear: Civil Liberties, Na-tional Security and the Prosecution of Suspected Terrorists" is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5, in A01 McDonnell Hall.

Speakers will include: Christopher Eisgruber, director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs; Linda Greenhouse, Supreme Court correspondent for The New York Times and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize; Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights; and Ronald Rotunda, the George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at George Mason University.

The event is sponsored by the Program in Law and Public Affairs and Students for Liberty and Security.

Graduate alumnus delivers two Jones lectures

Graduate alumnus Roy Baumeister, a professor of psychology at Florida State University, will present two talks for the annual Edward E. Jones lecture series Thursday and Friday, May 6-7.

He will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday in 104 Computer Science Building on "Human Nature and Culture: What Is the Human Psyche Designed For?" and lead a discussion following that lecture. At 4 p.m. Friday, he will discuss "Self-Control, Decision Making and Ego Depletion" in 0-S-6 Green Hall.

The talks are sponsored by the Department of Psychology. The lecture series was inaugurated in 2000 in honor of Edward "Ned" Jones, a prominent figure in social psychology, who taught at Princeton from 1978 until his death in 1993.

Baumeister came to Princeton with Jones and earned his Ph.D. in psychology in 1978. He has since studied a broad set of areas within social psychology, including topics centered on questions of self and identity. He has published some 16 books on psychological topics, many seeking to convey the discoveries of the field to general audiences and researchers alike.

Wristbands needed for Reunions

All alumni and University representatives once again will be required to have wristbands that identify them as participants in Reunions activities, which this year fall on May 27-30. The wristbands will allow them to enter Reunion sites and to obtain refreshments.

Faculty and staff members may get a wristband for themselves and one additional wristband for a guest. The wristbands are not transferable, and applicants and guests must be 21 years of age or older. The single fee to cover all three evenings is $25 per person, payable by check (no cash) to the Alumni Council.

Those who would like to attend must complete an application and submit it by Friday, May 14, to Lydia Osborne, Alumni Council, Maclean House. Applications are available on the first floor of Maclean House. After May 14, the single fee will increase to $35 per person.

Faculty and staff members and their guests may pick up their wristbands in person between 7 and 11 p.m. May 27, May 28 and May 29 in the parlor of Maclean House (entrance at the front of the house). Identification in the form of a University ID card and valid driver's license with photo will be required for pickup.

Bible exhibition marks anniversary of Hampton Court Conference

The University Library has opened a new exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of an important event in the history of the English Bible. "The Bible in English: Before and After the Hampton Court Conference, 1604," on view through Aug. 8 in the main gallery of the Firestone Library, features more than 60 early English Bibles.

In 1604, English bishops, Puritan leaders and other churchmen convened by James I gathered at Hampton Court Palace for the purpose of determining "things pretended to be amiss in the church." One result was the renowned King James Bible, first published seven years later.

"For more than two and a half centuries following, no other authorized translation was made," said Stephen Ferguson, an assistant University librarian who is curating the exhibition with Scheide Librarian Paul Needham. "The millions of copies printed over the years witness to its standing not only as generally acceptable to English readers of many denominations but also as a monument of the English language."

The earliest Bibles in the exhibition, dating before the King James version, demonstrate the tumultuous political and literary history leading up to that translation. They include manuscript copies of the Wycliffite Bible, considered the earliest complete rendering of the scriptures into English. Although appearing as early as the 1380s, the Wycliffite Bibles were banned in 1408 by an ecclesiastical act. Even though printing in England started in the 1470s, no part of the English Bible was printed before 1525, no complete Bible before 1535 and none in England before 1538.

The first printings, also on display, were the translations of William Tyndale, once chaplain to a noble family who fled to Hamburg because there was "no place to do [the translation] in all of englonde." Although deemed "untrue translations," Tyndale's work served as the foundation for subsequent English versions, such as those of Miles Coverdale (1535), Thomas Matthew (1537), the Great Bible (1539), the Geneva Bible (1590) and the Bishop's Bible (1568). Visitors can see rare copies of these Bibles in the exhibition.

Princeton is one of the few universities in the world capable of mounting a historic English Bible exhibition from collections on its campus. This distinction is due to the presence here of the Scheide Library, a collection gathered over the past 125 years by three generations. The Bibles on display were collected chiefly by John Hinsdale Scheide, a member of Princeton's class of 1896, son of the library's founder, William Taylor Scheide, and father of the present owner, William Hurd Scheide, a member of the class of 1936.

Two of the other libraries capable of producing this exhibition from their own collections also are doing so. Preceding the Princeton exhibition was one at the Bridwell Library at Southern Methodist University. Subsequent to the Princeton show will be one mounted by the John Rylands Library at Manchester University in England.

Available at the Princeton exhibition will be a new illustrated study of the English Bible. "Let It Go Among Our People: An Illustrated History of the Bible in English From Wyclif to the King James Bible" was published by Lutterworth Press in Cambridge, England, and written by David Price, associate professor of history at SMU, and Charles Ryrie, professor of theology emeritus at Dallas Theological Seminary.

For more information, visit <Web site>.

