N A S S A U   N O T E S

Tilghman to lead conversation on University future at CPUC meeting

Princeton NJ -- President Tilghman will use part of the next Council of the Princeton University Community meeting on Monday, March 22, to lead a conversation on upcoming projects, events, challenges and opportunities.
     The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. in McCosh 10 and is open to all members of the University community.
     Tilghman's presentation will follow two other brief items on the agenda: a report from the Resources Committee by Professor Jeffrey Herbst; and a report from Nicole Esparza, the new Graduate Student Government president.
     Tilghman will give a short summary and then will take questions from the audience.
     One of the fundamental reasons the CPUC was created in 1970 was to provide a direct means of communication on a regular basis between the president of the University and members of the Princeton community. The council has been effectively used over the years as a sounding board and as a channel of communication for the University.


ceramic object

Senior thesis shows

Ceramics (at right, below) by senior Penelope Tang and paintings by senior Willow Sainsbury will be on display March 23-April 2 in the Lucas Gallery, 185 Nassau St. The work is part of their senior thesis shows in the Program in Visual Arts. An opening reception will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 23. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Festival marks 30th anniversary

The International Festival will observe its 30th anniversary this year with a week of South Asian films leading up to a full-day celebration on Saturday, April 3.
     Films from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday through Sunday, March 22-28, primarily in 302 Frist. For more information on the films, visit this Web site: <Web page>.
     Under the theme "Around the World in One Day," the April 3 event will feature regional and national exhibitions, international music and animations, story telling, interactive workshops and a food festival serving specialties from around the world. It will run from 1 to 6 p.m. in Dillon Gymnasium. All activities are open to the public and free of charge except for the food.
     From 8 to 10 p.m. in the gym, there will be a flag procession representing all nationalities currently at Princeton. It will be followed by a cultural and fashion show. The evening activities are open to Princeton University ID holders.
     The event is organized by the Consortium of International Center Student Organizations and sponsored by several University departments. For more information, visit <Web page>.

Biotechnology and capitalism in America is topic for March 22 talk

Eric Cohen, director of the Ethics and Public Policy Center's Project on Biotechnology and American Democracy, will speak on "Biotech-nology in America and the Spirit of American Capitalism" at 4:30 p.m. Monday, March 22, in 104 Computer Science Building. A public reception will follow.
     Cohen will explore the ways in which capitalism shapes ethical decisions in the field of biotechnology, and the consequences of this influence on political processes. He is expected to discuss issues such as animal and embryo experimentation and genetic engineering.
     Cohen is editor and founder of The New Atlantis, a quarterly journal on technology, ethics and politics. His essays and articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times and elsewhere. He is co-editor with William Kristol of "The Future Now: America Confronts the New Genetics," and he serves as a senior consultant to the President's Council on Bioethics.
     The lecture is part of this year's America's Founding and Future lecture series, hosted by the James Madison Program. For more information, visit <Web page>.

Gates, Friedman examine black-Jewish relations

Two of the most prominent figures in ethnic studies, Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard University and Murray Friedman of Temple University, will examine the relationship between African Americans and Jewish Americans in a discussion scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, in McCosh 50.
     The discussion, which is free and open to the public, is the inaugural event of "Black-Jewish Relations Week," organized by the Princeton Committee on Prejudice.
     Gates is the W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of the Humanities and chair of the Department of African and African-American Studies at Harvard. He is currently a visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Friedman is director of the Myer and Rosaline Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple and a former vice chair of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
     Two additional events are scheduled for "Black-Jewish Relations Week." A PBS documentary that details the relationship between Jewish professors and their students at historically black colleges in the 1940s, "From Swastika to Jim Crow," will be screened at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 27, in 101 McCormick Hall.
     A presentation on "Memories of Genocide: Survivors' Stories from Rwanda and Poland," featuring two speakers who escaped mass killings in their home countries, is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 30, in 302 Frist Campus Center.
     The events are sponsored by the Bildner Fund-Dialogue@Princeton and several other campus groups.

Noted architect here March 24

Noted architect Cesar Pelli will present a lecture on "The Public in Architecture" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 24, in McCosh 50.
     In 1977, Pelli became dean of the School of Architecture at Yale University and established Cesar Pelli & Associates in New Haven, Conn. The firm has been responsible for the design of several major projects, including the Petronas Towers of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Osaka, Japan, and the World Financial Center in New York City, as well as of Princeton's DeNunzio Pool.
     Pelli, who served as dean until 1984 and has continued to lecture at Yale, received the American Institute of Architects' Gold Medal in 1995. In 1991, the AIA selected Pelli as one of the 10 most influential living American architects and, in 1989, it awarded Cesar Pelli & Associates its Firm Award. His work has been widely published and exhibited, with eight books dedicated to his designs and theories.
     Pelli's talk is designated as the Stafford Little Lecture and is part of the University's Public Lectures Series. The event will be Webcast; for viewing information, visit <Web page>.

Human rights activist to lecture

Saad Eddin Ibrahim, an Egyptian- American human rights activist who was a political prisoner in Egypt, will speak at 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 26, in 1 Robertson Hall. He will present "Seven Reasons for Hope in the Contemporary Arab World."
     A sociologist at American University in Cairo, Ibrahim is founder and director of the Ibn Khaldun Center, an organization that promotes democracy in Egypt.
     Arrested in June 2000, Ibrahim was convicted twice by a state security court of harming Egypt's image with his research on vote fraud and human rights. His case attracted attention around the world, including from Amnesty International. In March 2003, Egypt's highest appeals court found him innocent of all charges.
     The event is sponsored by the Department of Near Eastern Studies.

Evnin Lecturer looks at threat of bioterrorism

A talk on "Facing the Growing Threat of Bioterrorism" will inaugurate the 2004 Evnin Lecture Series at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 25, in Reynolds Auditorium, McDonnell Hall.
     Steven Block, a biophysicist from Stanford University, will present the lecture, which is the first in a series on "Beyond Fear: Response to Bio- and Cyber-Terrorism" sponsored by the Council on Science and Technology.
     Block, who served on Princeton's molecular biology faculty from 1994 to 1999, has held a joint appointment in the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford for the past five years. He is also a senior fellow of Stanford's Institute for International Studies and a member of JASON, a group of academicians that consults for the U.S. government and its agencies on technical matters related to national security.
     Block has written and spoken extensively about the threat of bioterrorism. He led an influential study in 1997 on the impact of genetic engineering on biological warfare, and he has testified before Congress and served on several government advisory panels dealing with biosecurity issues. He currently serves on the Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical Society and on a committee constituted by the National Academy of Sciences on next-generation biological threats.

March 26-27 campus conference focuses on 'Opera and Society'

A conference on "Opera and Society" is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, March 26-27, on campus. Most events will take place in Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall.
     Musicologists and historians from Europe and America will present 18 papers and commentaries. There also will be a Friday evening concert at Trinity Church on Mercer Street of selections from operas that are included in the papers. It will feature performances by the Westminster College Chapel Choir and noted artists such as Sharon Sweet and Jeffrey Gall.
     Admission is free, but seating is limited, and only those who register in advance will be able to attend the conference and/or concert. Full details and electronic registration are available on the Web at <Web page>. Registration will close at the end of the day on Tuesday, March 23. Those not registered will be admitted to the concert on a first-come, first-served basis.
     Sponsored by the Journal of Interdisciplinary History and a number of departments and programs at Princeton, the event is being coordinated by Theodore Rabb, professor of history.

McCarter Theatre Center

From left, an impetuous young poet (Jeffrey Carlson) comes between a progressive-minded clergyman (Michael Siberry) and his charismatic wife (Kate Forbes), who shrewdly and sympathetically puts their competing claims for her love to the test in "Candida" at the McCarter Theatre Center March 23 through April 11. The production of George Bernard Shaw's classic comedy will be directed by Lisa Peterson. Tickets are available by calling the McCarter Theatre box office at 258-2787 or visiting <Web page>.

Swim club seeks members

The Nassau Swim Club, located on lower Springdale Road, is accepting members for the 2004 season.
     Priority is given to University faculty, staff and graduate students; members of the Institute for Advanced Study; and staff of the Princeton University Press.
     The season runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day. For membership rates and application forms, call Jenny Mischner at 921-7282 or send e-mail to <jmischner@pds.org>.


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