B Y   T H E   N U M B E R S


The Provost: Princeton's second-ranking official

Christopher L. Eisgruber, the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Public Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values and the director of Princeton's Program in Law and Public Affairs, will begin serving as the University's 11th provost in July (see story on page 1).

As Princeton's second-ranking official, the provost serves as the president's general deputy and, in the absence of the president, as the University's senior officer. The provost is responsible for the overall academic program, works closely with faculty and other administrators on staffing matters, provides general oversight for many of the University's support and administrative operations, and is responsible for developing short-term and long-term recommendations regarding resource allocation, including chairing the Priorities Committee, the faculty-student-staff committee that makes recommendations each year to the president regarding the following year's operating budget. The position was established at Princeton in 1966.

Previous provosts have come from a variety of academic disciplines, including several from economics. Here, they are listed with their disciplines and the years they served:

• Amy Gutmann, political philosophy, 2001-03.

• Jeremiah Ostriker, astrophysics, 1995-2001.

• Stephen Goldfeld, economics, 1993-95.

• Hugo Sonnenschein, economics, 1991-93.

• Paul Benacerraf, philosophy, 1988-91.

• Neil Rudenstine, English, 1977-88.

• Albert Rees, economics, 1975-77.

• F. Sheldon Hackney, history, 1972-75.

• William Bowen, economics, 1967-72.

• J. Douglas Brown, economics, 1966-67.


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