Transforming the environment for the humanities


Princeton NJ -- A project intended to help transform the environment for the humanities on campus is nearing completion. Begun in 2000 with the renovation of the Joseph Henry House, the work also includes: a renovation and underground addition to East Pyne; the renovation of Chancellor Green; and the construction of a new humanities building east of the Joseph Henry House. The complex, which will serve as the new home of the Andlinger Center for the Humanities, is intended to give a more visible profile to the humanities at Princeton.

The construction on East Pyne, which houses language departments, a new 71-seat auditorium, classrooms and a language laboratory, was finished this past summer. The new wood-frame house built next door contains three seminar rooms and 15 offices for Hellenic studies, Judaic studies and other humanities programs. The interior was completed by Feb. 2, and exterior work continues.

Chancellor Green rotunda   Cafe on lower level

Workers are putting the finishing touches on the renovation of 131-year-old Chancellor Green (left). An academic lounge in the rotunda is scheduled to open by March 1.
     A café (above) on the lower level of Chancellor Green, formerly a game room, opened in January. The room is accessible through a new entrance constructed on the north side of the building. The café, operated by dining services, offers salads, sandwiches, soups, pastries and beverages. Current hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, although plans call for expanded hours in the future.

stained glass windows

Work on Chancellor Green included a complete renovation of the building, which formerly housed the University library and, more recently, served as a student center before the Frist Campus Center was built. The two seminar rooms that flank the rotunda were available for classes beginning Feb. 2. The rotunda will serve as an academic lounge, featuring comfortable chairs on the first level and study carrels on the mezzanine; that work is expected to be finished by March 1.

Part of the project involved removing, cleaning and releading the stained glass windows in the rotunda, including the magnificent octagonal dome light.


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