B E N E F I T S   U P D A T E

In brief: Key changes for 2004
Need more information? Check out these sources
Health plans cover breast reconstruction

Open enrollment gives employees opportunity to evaluate coverage

The annual benefits open enrollment period for the University's health, vision, dental care, supplemental life and flexible spending account plans will run from Monday, Oct. 20, through Friday, Nov. 7. Open enrollment offers faculty and staff members an opportunity to review their current benefits and consider changes to their coverages that will be effective for the next calendar year.

Open enrollment also is the time when faculty and staff members can enroll in the expense account plans (Health Benefit Expense Account and/or Dependent Care Expense Account) for 2004. Elections in the expense account plans do not carry forward from the previous year. Employees must re-enroll if they want to participate in these plans in 2004.

Open enrollment packets, including a personalized benefits enrollment form, were to be mailed on Oct. 16 to the homes of benefits eligible faculty and staff. Employees should carefully review the open enrollment guide to obtain more detailed information.

In brief: Key changes for 2004


• Health care premiums will increase.

• If you participate in UnitedHealthcare PPO, Oxford POS or one of the Aetna HMOs (NJ or PA), copayment amounts for the retail pharmacy and mail order program will increase minimally.

• UnitedHealthcare PPO will no longer use Social Security numbers as member IDs. Instead, each participant will receive a unique identification number assigned by UnitedHealthcare. All participants will receive a new ID card in the mail by Friday, Jan. 9, 2004.

• Aetna HMO NJ and PA will issue new family ID cards. If you are a current participant who would like to have a new family ID, you must request the card through <www.aetnanavigator.com>.

• Aetna PPO and DMO dental plans will no longer use Social Security numbers as member IDs. Instead, each participant will receive a unique identification number assigned by Aetna. Current participants may request a new card through <www.aetnanavigator.com>. You are not required to obtain a new ID card, because the current identification card will remain valid.

• Aetna PPO and DMO dental plans also will offer new family ID cards. If you are a current participant who would like to have a new family ID, you must request the card through <www.aetnanavigator.com>.

• Employees who are married to other Princeton University benefits eligible employees may enroll, for the first time, in their spouse's plan, as "employee and spouse" or as "employee and family." Previously, employees married to University employees each were required to enroll in separate, individual plans.

• There is no longer a lifetime maximum for in-network medical, surgical and mental health services under the UnitedHealthcare PPO Plan. The $2 million lifetime maximum for out-of-network medical, surgical and mental health services has not been changed.

Need more information? Check out these sources


There are a number of sources of information that can assist employees in selecting the health care plan or coverage that meets their personal and family needs. Information is available elec-tronically, in print and in person.


Use the Web. Visit the open enrollment Web site at <www.princeton. edu/hr/oe> for descriptions of the different plan features, rates for 2004 and links to the various health care providers, which include directories of health care professionals and facilities that participate in the particular health care or dental care plan.

In print

Review the open enrollment mailing. Use the personalized benefits enrollment form to review your current health care plan coverage, in conjunction with the information in the benefits open enrollment guide, which provides comprehensive information on the different plan features as well as plan rate changes effective Jan. 1, 2004.

In person

Attend the Benefits Fair. The Benefits Fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3, in the Multipurpose Room on Level B of the Frist Campus Center; and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the Lyman Spitzer Building at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Visit a site. You can visit one of the following locations at any time to pick up forms and informational materials:

• 1 New South
• Engineering Quad
• Firestone Library
• Clio Hall
• Frist Campus Center
• Helm Building
• Macmillan Building
• 87 Prospect Ave.
• 91 Prospect Ave.
• Jadwin Gym
• Robertson Hall
• PPPL Office of Human Resources.

Meet with a benefits specialist or a representative from Aetna or Horizon. Benefits specialists, as well as representatives from Aetna HMO/Aetna Dental and Horizon HMO/Horizon Dental will be available to meet with you during open enrollment. Appointments are not needed. Here are the times they are available:

Wednesday, Oct. 22

• 10 to 11:30 a.m., Macmillan Building, large conference room
• 12:30 to 2 p.m., Firestone Library, Room A-C-3

Wednesday, Oct. 29

• 10 to 11:30 a.m., Helm Building, second floor venditeria
• 12:30 to 2 p.m., 438 Robertson Hall

Friday, Nov. 7

• 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., New South, seventh floor.

Health plans cover breast reconstruction


The Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 guarantees coverage to any health plan member who is receiving benefits in connection with a mastectomy and who elects breast reconstruction in connection with that surgery.

Patients are entitled to coverage for:

• Reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy has been performed;

• Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce symmetrical appearance; and

• Prostheses and treatment of physical complications in all stages of the mastectomy, including lymphedemas (swelling associated with the removal of the lymph nodes).

These services will be provided in a manner determined in consultation with the attending physician and the patient. Coverage for these services is subject to applicable deductibles, co-insurance or copayments.

Contact the Office of Human Resources (258-3300) if you have any questions about this benefit.


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