
  Lisa DePaul

Name: Lisa DePaul.

Position: Assistant director of housing. Responsible for the overall administration and coordination of housing space assignment, billing and record systems for 4,500 under-graduates during the academic year and during the summer. Working closely with the facilities department on renovations in the dormitories.

Quote: "Working in an academic environment as rich in tradition and history as Princeton is very rewarding and enlightening. I really enjoy working with the students at this exciting time in their lives."

Other interests: Reading, biking and dancing. Kayaking and camping with her husband.

Prakash named new director of Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies

Gyan Prakash, professor of history, has been named to a four-year term as director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies. Prakash, who began his term in July, has announced the theme for the center's weekly seminar program and the roster of Davis Fellows for the year.

Gyan Prakash  

     A Princeton faculty member since 1988, Prakash specializes in the history of colonial India. His research and teaching interests include the relationship between colonialism and production of knowledge.
     He is the author of "Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India" (1999) and the co-author of "Worlds Together, Worlds Apart" (2002). He also has written "Bonded Histories: Genealogies of Labor Servitude in Colonial India" (1990) and has edited "After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements" (1995).
     The Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies was established in 1968 to develop a focal point for historical research at Princeton and to stimulate intellectual exchange both within the Department of History and between the department and visiting scholars. The center is supported by the George Henry Davis 1886 and Shelby Cullom Davis '30 Fund.
     The center seeks to involve faculty members from different academic departments. "We have also tweaked the format to make the Davis Center's activities more accessible and attractive," Prakash said.
     The center has moved its weekly seminar program from Friday mornings to Thursday evenings at 4:30 p.m. in 211 Dickinson. For 2003-05, the seminar theme is "Cities: Space, Society and History." An Urban Reflection Lecture Series, which will feature distinguished speakers, has been added to this year's program. Scheduled lecturers include architect Rem Koolhaas and Harvard University's Homi Bhabha, among others.
     Six scholars from around the world will be in residence as Davis Fellows during the year: Belinda Davis from Rutgers University, a specialist on Ber-lin; Christopher Friedrichs from the University of British Columbia, who works on early modern cities; Willem Jongman from the University of Gro-ningen, an expert on classical Rome; Christina Jimenez, a historian of urban Mexico; Ranjani Mazumdar, a documentary filmmaker and film studies scholar from Delhi whose specialty is cinema and the city; and Cormac O Grada from University College Dublin, whose subject is the eco- nomic demography of Jewish Dublin.
     For more information, visit the new Davis Center Web site at <davisctr.princeton.edu>.


Suzanne Staggs, associate professor of physics, has been named the winner of the Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award from the American Physical Society.
     The award is intended to recognize and enhance outstanding achievement by a woman physicist in the early years of her career, and to provide opportunities for her to present these achievements to others through public lectures in the spirit of Goeppert-Mayer, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963.
     The award citation commended Staggs "for her original and lasting contributions to experimental cosmology, in particular in the area of cosmic microwave background studies, and for leadership in multi-institutional collaborations to measure CMB anisotropy."
     The study of cosmic microwave background provides scientists with insights into the first moments of the big bang as well as information about how the background radiation was subtly altered as the universe evolved.
     Staggs, who joined the faculty in 1996, earned her Ph.D. from Princeton in 1993.
     The award consists of a cash prize plus a travel allowance to provide opportunities for Staggs to give lectures at four institutions and at the meeting of the society at which the award is bestowed.


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