
  Patricia Sziber

Name: Patricia Sziber.

Position: Professional technical staff member in the molecular biology department. Managing the lab of professor Paul Schedl, who studies gene regulation and expression in fruit flies. Ordering new genetic lines of flies and maintaining hundreds of stocks of them. Keeping the "fly room" in Guyot Hall running smoothly.

Quote: "I have been privileged to work with some of the best scientists in this field of research for more than 25 years. It is exciting to be part of a team conducting some of the most important basic studies that help us understand development and how genes work. And I love the fact that at Princeton I have met and worked with people from just about every continent, except Antarctica!"

Other interests: Identifying and enjoying birds and other aspects of nature and sharing her knowledge and appreciation with others. Volunteering with the local chapter of the National Audubon Society. Exploring Iceland's wild landscape with her husband.

Appointments and promotions


Several new staff members have come to the University over the summer, and several other staff members have been named to new positions.

Here is a brief recap of those appointments. For more details, see the headlines and announcements on the University's home page.

Camilo Azcarate

Camilo Azcarate has been appointed as Princeton's ombuds officer.

Azcarate has been at Florida Gulf Coast University since 2000, serving as an ombudsperson and director of the Conflict Resolution Institute in its College of Business. He also has had responsibilities as an equal employment opportunity officer and as a faculty member in the business college.

Previously, Azcarate worked for two years as government programs coordinator in the Massachusetts Office of Dispute Resolution, where he mediated and facilitated public policy discussions.

  Paul Breitman

Paul Breitman has been named director of University Services, a new department intended to improve services in the areas of event planning, utilization of campus facilities, hospitality options and visitor experiences.

Breitman, formerly director of the Frist Campus Center and Richardson Auditorium, now reports to Charles Kalmbach, senior vice president for administration.

The department encompasses six units previously located in separate areas of the University: the Frist Campus Center, Richardson Auditorium and the centralized ticketing operation for campus events, which were in campus life; and Visitors and Conference Services, Prospect House and Palmer House, which were in facilities. Eric Hamblin will continue in his role as director of Visitors and Conference Services.

David Brown  

David Brown has been named program coordinator for the Student Volunteers Council, the University's largest student volunteer organization.

Before joining SVC, Brown served for a year as executive director of Angel's Wings, a Trenton-based interfaith program that provides emergency shelter for abused and neglected children. Prior to that, Brown spent 17 years with Trenton-based Anchor House, a nonprofit organization that works with children and young adults in crisis and their families. After joining Anchor House in 1985 as a counselor, he served as a school outreach counselor, assistant director and associate executive director.

  Makeba Clay

Makeba Clay has joined the staff as director of the Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding.

Clay came to Princeton from the University of Maryland-College Park, where she served as director of the Maryland Leadership Institute for International Public Policy and also as the associate director of student affairs in the School of Public Affairs since 2001.

Clay previously served as assistant director of residential life at Johns Hopkins University and at Western Maryland College. She also has been a faculty member with the Maryland Governor's Commission on Volunteerism and Service.

Hilary Herbold  

Hilary Herbold has been named associate dean of undergraduate students. She will be responsible for coordinating the undergraduate discipline system, foreign student advising and emergency management of matters involving undergraduate students.

Herbold earned her Ph.D. degree in English from Princeton in 1997. She taught in the University's English department from 1992 to 2000. The next year, she served as director of studies in Rockefeller College and became dean of that college in 2001.

  Jed Marsh

Jed Marsh, who came to Princeton as associate provost in spring 2002, has been promoted to vice provost for institutional research.

Marsh has been responsible for special projects and institutional research, and will continue with those duties. He will facilitate institutional data requests and coordinate institutional survey participation. He also will collaborate with the president, provost, other cabinet officers and vice provosts on special University-wide projects.

Michael McKay  

Michael McKay has been promoted to vice president for facilities.

McKay, general manager of plant and services in the facilities department for the past 10 years, has been a Princeton staff member since 1977. He will play a key role in overseeing all aspects of the University's physical plant, and in the planning, design and construction of capital projects.

McKay joined the Princeton staff as assistant director of engineering in the facilities department. He was promoted to director of engineering in 1980.

  Michele Minter

Michele Minter has been named director of leadership gifts in the development office.

The acting director of leadership gifts since October, Minter joined the Princeton staff in 1995 as associate director of that office and was promoted to senior associate director in 2000. She will manage the staff that is responsible for raising funds from Princeton alumni, parents and friends for the University's highest endowment and capital needs.

Paul Raushenbush  

The Rev. Paul Raushenbush has been named associate dean of religious life. His work will focus on continuing to build the interfaith community on campus.

An ordained American Baptist minister, Raushenbush has served as youth and young adult minister at Seattle First Baptist Church, as campus minister for the United Church of Christ/Presbyterian churches at Columbia University and as associate minister for college and young adults at Riverside Church in New York City.


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