Princeton University

Publication: A Princeton Profile, 2006-07

Key Telephone Numbers

Main campus information (609) 258-3000
    Undergraduate 258-3060
    Graduate 258-3034
Alumni Council 258-1900
Alumni Records 258-3114
Annual Giving 258-3373
Art Museum 258-3788
Athletics 258-1800
    Ticket Office 258-3538
Career Services 258-3325
Communications office 258-3601
Community Auditing Program (CAP) 258-0202
Community and Regional Affairs (CRA) 258-3204
Conference & Event Services 258-6115
Continuing Education Program 258-5226
Daily Princetonian student newspaper 258-3632
Development Office 258-8972
Employment Opportunities Hotline
    (Human Resources)

Frist Campus Center
    Ticket Office 258-1742
    Welcome Desk 258-1766
    Access office 258-5737
    Information center 258-1470
McCarter Theatre Center 258-6500
    Ticket Office 258-2787
Office of Information Technology
(OIT) Help Desk

Orange Key Guide Service 258-3060
President’s office 258-6101
Princeton Alumni Weekly magazine 258-4885
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) 243-2750
Princeton University Store (U-Store) 921-8500
Princeton Weekly Bulletin
    faculty/staff newspaper

Public Safety 258-3134
Registrar 258-3360
Richardson Auditorium
    events and ticket office


© 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University
University Operator: 609-258-3000