Princeton University

Publication: A Princeton Profile, 2006-07

The Faculty

Princeton University is unique in combining the strengths of a major research university with the qualities of an outstanding liberal arts college. With a student-faculty ratio of 5 to 1, Princeton excels in its commitment to teaching and provides learning opportunities both within and outside of the classroom. Whether through independent study, student-initiated seminars, or lectures in emerging fields such as neuroscience, Princeton students have the flexibility to shape dynamic academic programs that prepare them for leadership and lives of service.

In spring 2006, the faculty (including visitors and part-time faculty) totaled 1,139, including 484 professors, 59 associate professors, 176 assistant professors, 13 instructors, 297 lecturers, and 110 visitors.

Seventy-five percent of the professorial faculty is tenured. Excluding visitors, approximately 309 members of the faculty are women, and 170 are identified as members of minority groups. There were 107 tenured women on the faculty in spring 2006.

Approximately half of Princeton’s tenured faculty members were promoted to tenure while at Princeton; the other half were hired with tenure from other institutions.

All faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach as well as engage in scholarly research. Faculty members work most closely with undergraduates in the supervision of junior-year independent work and senior theses.

Ten members of the current Princeton faculty (including emeritus) are recipients of the Nobel Prize: Philip W. Anderson, Joseph Henry Professor of Physics Emeritus, won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1977; Val L. Fitch, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Physics Emeritus, won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1980; Chloe Anthony Morrison, Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities Emeritus, won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1993; Joseph H. Taylor, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Physics Emeritus, shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1993 with Russell A. Hulse, principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory on Princeton’s Forrestal campus; John F. Nash, senior research mathematician, won the 1994 Nobel Prize in economic sciences; Eric F. Wieschaus, Squibb Professor of Molecular Biology, won the 1995 Nobel Prize in medicine; Daniel C. Tsui, Arthur Legrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering, won the 1998 Nobel Prize in physics; Daniel Kahneman, Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology and professor of psychology and public affairs, won the 2002 Nobel Prize in economic sciences; and David J. Gross, Thomas D. Jones Professor of Mathematical Physics Emeritus, won the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics. Twenty-two faculty members have been named MacArthur Fellows.

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