Princeton University

Publication: A Princeton Profile, 2006-07

The Graduate School

The Graduate School, established in 1900, enrolled 2,010 degree candidates in 40 departments and programs in academic year 2005–06. By history and design, the Graduate School is relatively small and traditionally has emphasized Ph.D. programs in the arts, social and natural sciences, and engineering. In 2005–06, Princeton awarded 288 Ph.D.’s and 149 final master’s degrees. Princeton University has no business, law, or medical schools.

Thirty-nine percent of the Graduate School’s students are female, 38 percent are citizens of other countries, and 5 percent are members of U.S. minority groups. The approximate enrollment of graduate degree candidates by academic division for 2005–06 is given below.

Division Number %

School of Architecture 71 3.5
School of Engineering and Applied Science 449 22.3
Humanities 391 19.5
Natural sciences and mathematics 561 27.9
Social sciences 341 17.0
Woodrow Wilson School of Public
    and International Affairs      
197 9.8
Total 2,010          100

Admission 2006: All Master’s and Ph.D. candidates.

                   Applicants              Admitted            Accepted
All            --------------        --------------      --------------
percentages              % of                  % of                % of     % of
rounded             #   Total        #   Applicants         #  Admitted    Class

Total             8,631     —      1,134          13        581      51       —
   Men            5,455    63        708          13        354      50      61
   Women          3,176    37        426          13        227      53      39

students          3,659    42        398          11        230      58      41

minorities          452     5         75          16         42      57       7

Women in science 
and engineering     958    11        184          19         86      47      15

Graduate Admissions 2006

Of the 8,631 applicants to the Graduate School for 2006–07, 1,134 were admitted and 581 accepted the offer of admission.

While graduate candidates submit applications to the Graduate School, faculty members in the individual departments that will award the degrees review the applications and make recommendations for admission.

Division Applications       Admits           %

School of Architecture 413 39 9%
School of Engineering and Applied Science 1,675 296 18%
Humanities 1,471 142 10%
Natural sciences and mathematics 1,795 310 17%
Social sciences 2,249 205 9%
Woodrow Wilson School of Public
    and International Affairs
1,028 142 14%
Total 8,631 1,134 13%

GRE scores

The average standardized Graduate Record Examinations scores vary by discipline.

Applicants       Admits       Enrollees

Verbal (average)
Architecture 525 603 606
Engineering 540 595 578
Humanities 616 678 661
Natural sciences 551 612 604
Social sciences 594 637 636
Woodrow Wilson School 575 633 635

Quantitative (average)
Architecture 670 693 681
Engineering 770 785 782
Humanities 633 673 679
Natural sciences 747 770 771
Social sciences 715 752 749
Woodrow Wilson School 680 711 710

The Graduate School participates in all major national fellowship programs. Graduate students win many of the following awards: Department of Defense Fellowships, Ford Predoctoral Fellowships for Minorities, Hertz Fellowships in the Applied Sciences, Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies, National Science Foundation Fellowships, and U.S. Department of Edu-cation Fellowships (FLAS, GAANN, Javits).

Most degree candidates receive financial support for the duration of their degree program through some combination of University fellowships, assistantships in research or teaching, and non-University awards.

The median time from matriculation to receiving a Ph.D. at Princeton, including all departments, is 5.6 years (for 2005–06).

© 2006 The Trustees of Princeton University
University Operator: 609-258-3000