Princeton Weekly Bulletin   April 21, 2008, Vol. 97, No. 24   prev   next   current


photo of Matthew Camp

Matthew Camp (photo: Denise Applewhite)


Name: Matthew Camp.

Position: Legislative assistant in the Office of Public Affairs. Coordinating outreach to members of the legislative and executive branches of New Jersey’s government and to statewide organizations, including associations and nonprofits. Communicating the impact of state regulations and legislation to the University community. Working on reports to assess the University’s impact on the state and region.

Quote: “I’ve been really impressed with the dedication of the people I work with at Princeton. The University is an amazing operation. The many intersections of state policies and higher education keep me pretty busy.”

Other interests: Running, biking and hiking. Learning about art and architecture. Visiting New York City.

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  • Submit items for future calendars by using the calendar submission form link on the PWB home page.
  • The Bulletin is published weekly during the academic year, except during University breaks and exam weeks, by the Office of Communications. Second class postage paid at Princeton. Postmaster: Send address changes to Princeton Weekly Bulletin, Office of Communications, Princeton University, 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton, NJ 08542. Permission is given to adapt, reprint or excerpt material from the Bulletin for use in other media.
  • Subscriptions. The Bulletin is distributed free to faculty, staff and students. Others may subscribe to the Bulletin for $30 for the 2007-08 academic year ($18 for current Princeton parents and people over 65). Send a check to Office of Communications, Princeton University, 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton, NJ 08542.
  • Deadlines. In general, the copy deadline for each issue is the Friday 10 days in advance of the Monday cover date. The deadline for the Bulletin that covers May 5-18 is Friday, April 25. A complete publication schedule is available at pr/ pwb/ deadlines.html; or by calling (609) 258-3601.
  • Managing editor: Eric Quiñones
  • Assistant editor: Jennifer Greenstein Altmann
  • Calendar editor: Shani Hilton
  • Contributing writers: Emily Aronson, Kitta MacPherson, Ruth Stevens

  • Photographer: Denise Applewhite
  • Design: Maggie Westergaard
  • Web edition: Mahlon Lovett
  • Subscription manager: Elizabeth Patten
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