
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   March 27, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 20   search   prev   next

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Page One
New satellite data illuminates universe’s earliest moments
Study exposes “movers and shakers” behind the evangelical movement

Q&A with Brandice Canes-Wrone
Labouisse Prize winners to work in Brazil and India next year
Six faculty members win Sloan fellowships

Employees honored for dedication and service

Nassau notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



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New satellite data illuminates universe’s earliest moments

Scientists peering back to the oldest light in the universe have new evidence for what happened within its first trillionth of a second, when the universe grew from submicroscopic to astronomical size in far less than a wink of the eye.

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Study exposes ‘movers and shakers’ behind the evangelical movement

Is there a “hidden hand” behind the rise to power of the evangelical movement in America over the last three decades? A Princeton graduate student has gained international attention by answering this question in the largest and most comprehensive study on the significance of faith in the lives of America’s societal leaders.

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Labouisse Prize winners to work in Brazil and India next year

University seniors Soraya Umewaka and James R. Williams each have been awarded the Henry Richardson Labouisse ’26 Prize, which will allow them to undertake postgraduate projects in Brazil and India, respectively.

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Employees honored for dedication and service

Five University staff members were recognized for their exceptional performance during the annual Service Recognition Luncheon March 16 at Jadwin Gymnasium.

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Q&A with Brandice Canes-Wrone:
Public opinion plays shifting role in presidential policy decisions

The specter of public opinion hangs over all decisions made by the U.S. president, but how much weight does potential popularity carry in the policy-making process? Do presidents or the public drive the policy agenda?

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Six faculty members win Sloan fellowships

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has selected six Princeton faculty members to receive Sloan Research Fellowships, highly competitive, unrestricted grants for outstanding scholars and scientists early in their careers.

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