
Princeton Weekly Bulletin   February 27, 2006, Vol. 95, No. 17   search   prev   next

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Page One
Center values exchange of ideas on ethical issues
Macedo’s interests mesh well with center’s emphasis

Annan, global university leaders examine higher education’s benefits to society
Professorship established in honor of Williams
Plans progress for reconstruction of Butler College dormitories
History of Reunions wear on display through July 28

Benchmarking a notable career
Board approves appointments of four new faculty members
Spotlight, briefs

Nassau notes
Calendar of events
By the numbers



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Center values exchange of ideas on ethical issues

The quiet confines of Marx Hall disguise an industrious hive of intellectual activity on Princeton’s campus. The University Center for Human Values, which makes its home here, attracts scholars and sponsors offerings that inform the academic curriculum, generate novel research and ignite public debate.

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Benchmarking a notable career

At a Feb. 17 celebration of Toni Morrison’s birthday in Chancellor Green, the Nobel laureate and Princeton professor learned that she will be honored by a new community outreach initiative, the Bench by the Road project.

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Professorship established in honor of Williams

Members of the class of 1965 have joined together with the family of Princeton’s former vice president for development to create the Van Zandt Williams Jr. Class of 1965 Professorship in Chemistry.

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Board approves appointments of four new faculty members

The Board of Trustees has appointed one new professor, one new associate professor and two new assistant professors to the faculty.

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Annan, global university leaders examine higher education’s benefits to society

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an international group of university leaders and scholars convened at Princeton for a Feb. 14-15 colloquium examining the benefits that higher education institutions bring to society.

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Plans progress for reconstruction of Butler College dormitories

As part of the project to enhance the University’s residential college system, officials are moving ahead with plans to demolish five dormitories and construct new dormitories on the same site.

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History of Reunions wear on display through July 28

Going Back in Orange and Black,” a new exhibition at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, highlights the unique wardrobes of Princeton’s Reunions from the 19th century to the present. The exhibition will run through Friday, July 28, in the library’s Wiess Lounge.

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Macedo’s interests mesh well with center’s emphasis

As a scholar of democracy, it is fitting that Stephen Macedo leads a Princeton center that gives voice to a range of perspectives about questions integral to humankind. Topics such as justice, love, life and death, identity, animal rights, constitutional law, bioethics and political theory are all catalysts for conversation at the University Center for Human Values.

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